can a chiropractor help with dizziness

Dizziness can seriously impact your day-to-day work, making it difficult to work, drive, and even enjoy basic activities. If you are suffering from vertigo or dizziness, you may be thinking about how a chiropractor can help. In this guide, we will explore what causes dizziness, how can a chiropractor help with dizziness, and what advantages come with seeing a chiropractor.

What is Dizziness?

The feeling of being unsteady, anxious, or dizzy is called dizziness. It can occasionally induce fainting because it is connected to the sensory organs, particularly the eyes and hearing. Dizziness is a symptom of many different conditions rather than a sickness in and of itself.

It’s normal to feel dizzy. Occasional dizziness is nothing to worry about. However, if you’ve been dizzy for an extended time without a clear cause, you should consult a doctor.

What Causes Dizziness?

Vestibular neuritis is the most prevalent cause of dizziness. Inflamed vestibular nerves help the brain receive balance information. Usually affecting just one ear, the vestibular system frequently accompanies nausea and vomiting. Other potential reasons for dizziness include:

  • Meniere’s Disease

An inner ear condition known as Meniere’s disease can cause dizziness, hearing loss, and tinnitus. The condition results from fluid accumulation in the inner ear and typically affects individuals in their 20s to 50s. Meniere’s disease has no known cure. However, some therapies can help control the symptoms.

The most typical sign of Meniere’s illness is dizziness. It can result in nausea, vomiting, and a spinning feeling. Head position changes can set off vertigo episodes, which can linger for minutes or even hours. One other typical Meniere’s disease symptom is hearing loss. Initially, it is typically a low-frequency loss that progresses to a severe high-frequency loss over time.

  • Benign Positional Vertigo

Move your head in specific ways, and you may get dizziness, which is known as benign positional vertigo. Although other disorders can potentially cause it, inner ear problems are frequently the reason. Types of vertigo are not the same all the time. The feeling of spinning or dizziness when moving your head in specific positions is the most typical sign of benign positional vertigo. This may occur if you:

  • Move your head.
  • Lay down
  • Sit up
  • Look either up or down.

Usually, the dizziness subsides after a few seconds or minutes. It can sometimes go on for hours or even days. Benign positional vertigo often resolves independently in a few weeks and is not risky.

  • Migraines

One kind of headache that can induce severe pain is migraine. Other symptoms, such as light and sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting, also accompany migraines. Migraines can be so bad that they make it difficult for you to do daily tasks and may last for hours or even days.

  • Labyrinthitis

Inner ear problems include labyrinthitis. The ear’s labyrinth is a network of canals that aids hearing and balance. Inflamed labyrinths might result in dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss. Labyrinthitis occasionally causes nausea and vomiting. The standard treatment for labyrinthitis consists of rest and over-the-counter medicines to ease symptoms. In more severe situations, hospitalization may be necessary.

can chiropractor help with dizziness

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Dizziness: 7 Best Ways

While dizziness is not a common cause for visiting a chiropractor, those who do report experiencing significant relief from their condition. Compared to other medical experts, chiropractors provide more substantial relief to patients with balance issues or dizziness. Furthermore, compared to other health practitioners, they typically do so more frequently. These are 7 strategies they employ.

  • Spinal Adjustments

Treatment of dizziness is just one of the many advantages that a patient might receive from spinal adjustments. The central nervous system, which facilitates communication between the brain and the body, is in the spine. On the other hand, this communication may be blocked in the event of a subluxation or unusual alignment of the vertebrae in the spine.

These subluxations may be a direct or indirect cause of vertigo and dizziness. Resolving the subluxation with safe, noninvasive spine manipulation can indirectly aid healing and recovery. But, there are other ways that chiropractic care might address dizziness. It’s only one of several tools out there.

  • The Epley Maneuver

The most effective method for treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the Epley technique. The accumulation of calcium crystals in the inner ear is the source of dizziness, which might impair your balance.

It’s preferable to perform the maneuver with assistance, which a chiropractor can provide. You can practice the maneuver at home after he or she demonstrates it for you. Treating BPPV with this approach has proven to be highly successful.

  • Fixes Nerve Interference

Vertigo symptoms may arise due to nerve interference, particularly in the upper neck. Cervicogenic vertigo syndromes are episodes of vertigo brought on by irritation of the upper cervical nerves. Poor posture and neck injuries are the usual causes of this kind of dizziness.

In this instance, the chiropractor uses manual manipulation techniques to concentrate on realigning the neck’s vertebrae to their natural positions. Once the vertebrae are realigned and the nerves are no longer inflamed, the symptoms of vertigo will disappear.

  • Stretches and Exercises

Your chiropractor may prescribe basic stretches and exercises for you to perform at home. It depends on the kind of vertigo you experience. Many people discover that if they follow the exercises prescribed by their chiropractor, their vertigo goes away in as little as two weeks.

  • Stress Relief

The negative effects of stress on the body are well known. Stress can cause dizziness. And stress is almost unavoidable for most of us. At least, that’s what we believe. Chiropractic treatment can assist you in controlling and reducing your stress.

A chiropractic massage is among the most effective ways to do this. Yet, many people report feeling less anxious following a spinal manipulation session. This contributes to difficulty sleeping, a key element in accumulating stress.

  • Fixes Your Posture

Posture is one of the critical factors that chiropractors consider when making a diagnosis. Because we often adopt a folded position when using a computer or phone, poor posture is a significant issue worldwide.

Additionally, bad posture can irritate the spine’s nerves, which might result in dizziness. Fortunately, chiropractors are skilled in using stretches, spinal manipulation, and exercises to help you regain proper posture.

  • Chiropractic Massage

Chiropractic massage has been addressed several times in this article. The truth is that it’s an effective technique that can improve general health and wellness and treat dizziness.

To restore the health and function of the muscles surrounding the spine, this kind of massage includes spinal manipulation. Without realizing it, you often have stiff, pinched back muscles. These muscles can return to normal with chiropractic massage. Also, it helps the body cut toxins that have accumulated in the muscles and relieve stress.

Wrapping Up

Can a chiropractor help with dizziness? The answer is definitely yes. Our goal at The Brost Clinic is to deliver the best chiropractic adjustment possible. Our method is to satisfy the different requirements of people of all ages. It also promotes ideal health and assists with pain relief.

With our skilled care, you won’t have to face the challenging symptoms of dizziness alone. Allow us to assist you in regaining balance and health. It ensures you have support at every turn. Regain your balance with the help of our reliable staff.

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The Brost Chiropractic Clinic