Herniated Disc

Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain along the sciatic nerve. This discomfort may range from mild to severe and worsen over time. Chiropractic treatment may provide some relief by decreasing inflammation and pressure on nerve roots.

If you ask can chiropractic help with sciatica? Yes. Chiropractors use spinal manipulation, exercises, and lifestyle changes to promote healing and enhance mobility. Chiropractic is an effective and noninvasive means of controlling sciatica pain.

By correcting spinal misalignments, chiropractic can treat sciatica pain and restore functionality to affected areas while simultaneously decreasing stress. In this guide, we’ll cover what causes this condition as well as ways chiropractic treatment might alleviate symptoms for sciatica patients.

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica occurs as the result of compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. It is the largest single nerve in your body and runs down from your lower back through both legs.

When compressed or irritated, sciatic nerve compression or irritation can result in pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in both the lower back and legs. Common sources for sciatica may include a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, lumbar sprain/strain, as well as Piriformis syndrome.

Can Chiropractic Help With Sciatica?

Understanding Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica symptoms depend on the cause. However, common manifestations include lower back discomfort radiating down through the buttocks, legs, and feet. Other associated signs and symptoms may include:

Leg Pain

Sciatica’s most prevalent symptom, leg pain, is one that will likely strike. From a mild ache to an intense burning sensation, discomfort along the sciatic nerve path in your lower back, buttocks, and legs is felt directly along its path. 

These are often manifested with sharp shooting or jolting sensations, which make standing or sitting for extended periods difficult or impossible.

Numbness and Tingling

Sciatica symptoms often manifest themselves through leg numbness and tingling that range in intensity from mild to severe. It affects any part of the nerve path, from the lower back, buttocks, and legs to their cores and elsewhere. 

At its worst, this tingling or numbness may become so intense that other sensations become difficult or impossible for us to perceive.


Sciatica often causes leg weakness, making it hard for patients to stand or walk for extended periods and leading to fatigue and muscle spasms. If left untreated, this weakness could become so profound that everyday tasks like climbing stairs and carrying light objects would become impossible to perform.

Burning Sensation

Sciatica often causes burning sensations to manifest as one of its primary symptoms. These sensations may range anywhere along the nerve pathway from the lower back to the feet, starting off mild before becoming intense over time, which disrupts everyday activities and impacts everyday living.

Burning sensations may sometimes become so severe that even the lightest touches become intolerable.

Other Symptoms

Other common sciatica symptoms may include muscular spasms and cramping in the affected leg. This makes moving around or performing daily activities challenging. Sometimes, even restful periods can become unpleasant due to spasms being so intense as to cause pain or discomfort even while resting.

Sciatica patients may also suffer from dizziness or nausea. When these occur, seeking medical assistance quickly is of vital importance.

Common Causes of Sciatica

Herniated discs and spinal stenosis are among the many conditions that cause sciatica; other potential triggers could include muscle imbalances, infections, injuries, and tumors. Pregnancy can sometimes result in sciatica due to increased spinal strain from carrying and bearing a baby.

  • Herniated Disc

A herniated disc occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc ruptures due to pressure from within or outside, placing undue strain on nearby nerves and leading to inflammation and pain. 

A variety of factors could contribute to this situation, such as poor posture or an injury-causing accident causing irreparable spinal damage, for example.

  • Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal becomes narrower, creating pressure on its contents – such as nerve roots. Congenital anomalies or age-related changes to your spine could be to blame; injuries and diseases, like arthritis, can also bring on this condition. 

  • Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis, also referred to as the slippage of one vertebra onto another vertebra below it, may occur for various reasons, including birth defects and degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis. Many factors contribute to its appearance – birth defects can aggravate it, as can degenerative illnesses like arthritis.

  • Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome refers to an injury in which the piriformis muscle presses against the sciatic nerve. This may occur as the result of certain behaviors and movements, wounds, or illnesses like arthritis, scoliosis, or vertebral misalignments, causing inflammation in this area of muscle tissue. 

  • Other Causes

Other possible sources of sciatic pain could include tumors or infections. Tumors may press against nearby nerves and cause discomfort, while infections in the spine could result in inflammation that irritates the sciatic nerve and leads to pain.

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

Chiropractors provide relief from discomfort associated with sciatica while improving mobility and range of motion. Chiropractors utilize different approaches for treating sciatic nerve issues, including manipulating spine alignment or manually moving the legs and back by hand.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractors utilize gentle manual force to align the spine and joints so as to ease sciatic nerve pressure, thereby making movement simpler, less painful, and easing sciatic nerve-related discomfort. This makes moving easier with less discomfort for longer.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy may offer another approach for relieving sciatica symptoms. This form of treatment works by applying negative pressure to the spine in an effort to relieve pressure on affected nerves.

Chiropractic treatment combined with other forms of therapy has proven highly successful at relieving sciatica symptoms.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has long been recognized for helping those experiencing sciatica pain reduce tightness and tension and improve circulation and range of motion. Just massaging the affected area helps relieve these symptoms while simultaneously improving the range of motion and blood flow to that part.

Massage reduces inflammation, thus placing less strain on the sciatic nerve and ultimately leading to less overall discomfort.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

Stretching and strengthening exercises may help provide temporary relief from sciatica pain. Stretching exercises may loosen tight areas that cause discomfort.

Strengthening exercises help strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and ease the pressure on the sciatic nerve. However, to avoid further injury, they should only be undertaken under medical guidance.

Cold and Heat Therapy

Both cold therapy (using frozen packs to decrease inflammation and numb the affected area, relieving discomfort) and heat therapy may be effective tools in relieving sciatic pain. Heating therapy increases circulation to relax muscle tension and ease pain relief.

Both treatments may be combined for maximum efficacy; however, for safety purposes, they must only be undertaken under medical guidance.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing stress levels may help decrease sciatica pain. Smoking has been linked to inflammation that puts additional pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Maintaining a healthy weight helps ease the strain on the spine, while managing stress levels can help relax muscle tension, ease tension in joints, and reduce tension headaches. Such changes should be combined with traditional medical therapies in order to maximize effectiveness and make treatment as successful as possible.

When To See A Chiropractor For Sciatica?

Can Chiropractic Help With Sciatica?

If sciatica continues despite other treatments, visiting a chiropractor for additional support might be in order. Chiropractors are trained professionals who can identify what’s triggering sciatica and treat it accordingly – including making adjustments that might relieve nerve pressure. They do it by changing how people live their lives or manipulating spinal columns to release tension from nerves and relieve any associated discomfort.

Additionally, chiropractors are experts at suggesting exercises you can perform at home to further alleviate sciatica discomfort. When considering any form of treatment for sciatica, it is always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider first.

How Can The Brost Clinic Help You?

Are you suffering from sciatica pain? At Brost Clinic, our team of chiropractors is ready to provide effective relief solutions that reduce discomfort while improving overall health.

At The Brost Clinic, our primary focus is chiropractic adjustments designed to realign and ease the pressure on the sciatic nerve. We will collaborate closely with you in developing an individual treatment plan tailored specifically for you based on your unique requirements and preferences.

At our clinic, we provide more than just chiropractic adjustments to relieve sciatica pain. Here at Brost Clinic, we also offer massage and physical therapy as part of holistic treatments designed to alleviate sciatica discomfort and enhance the overall quality of life.

Brost Clinic stands as an experienced destination for sciatica treatment. Over years of service, they have earned customer trust with patient-driven care that puts patients first.

The Bottom Line

Sciatica causes discomfort, pain, numbness, and tingling in the extremities, yet treatments exist to manage its symptoms. Lifestyle modifications, hot and cold therapy, as well as chiropractic treatment, may all reduce pain levels while increasing the quality of life for those living with sciatica symptoms.

At the Brost Clinic, our aim is to bring relief and assist in getting you back on the right path if you’re experiencing symptoms associated with anxiety and/or stress. With years of experience and care focused on patient-centric solutions, our dedicated staff will collaborate on developing an individualized treatment plan designed specifically around your individual needs and preferences.

Reach out now to see how we can assist in managing the symptoms associated with sciatica.

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