autism and chiropractic care

Autism touches a small number of kids, impacting lives deeply, and as a parent, the search for symptom relief is ongoing. Chiropractic care has become a beacon of hope in this regard, bringing fresh possibilities. Case studies have shown that after 15 chiropractic sessions, there were notable improvements in a 4-year-old boy. Speech and language rose by 8%. Social behavior and sensory-cognitive function both jumped by 50%. Health and behavior saw a 4% uplift. Hence, it’s clear that chiropractic care can be a part of the solution.

This guide dives into autism and chiropractic care, revealing how it might help. Let’s explore how it helps those with autism.

What is Autism?

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a brain-related difference. People with autism often find socializing hard. They might repeat actions and like certain topics a lot.

Autism is unique for everyone. Some people need a lot of help. Others do not. The “spectrum” part means a lot of different symptoms and strengths. Some folks with ASD might talk and learn fast. Others might not talk much or at all. Back then, we had different names for ASD types. Now, it’s just one big category.

No cure exists for autism. But the right support early on can help a lot. It can improve how someone with autism learns and grows. Everyone’s experience with autism is different. Understanding is key.

What Causes Autism?

The truth is – the causes of autism are not fully understood. Experts are researching it daily. Some think autism starts with genes. Others blame environmental toxins during pregnancy. It could be both factors or other external factors.

The brain and nervous system are central to autism. Since these are crucial, care focused on them is essential. Many find that the right kind of help really improves life for people with autism.

One common observation is that kids diagnosed with autism often have tummy troubles. Could digestive system bacterial imbalances be involved? This puzzle piece still needs to be figured out.

Parents usually try different diets to help their kids. They cut out carbs, gluten, dairy, or sugar. Many report that, somehow, these changes make things a bit better. But the effectiveness of these methods are still uncertain..

Lots of kids with autism have trouble talking, and some, about one-third, never learn to talk at all. This condition is called Apraxia, which makes learning to speak really hard or even impossible. But not being able to talk doesn’t mean they aren’t smart.

Around 31 percent of people with autism have trouble with thinking and learning. Surprisingly, an even bigger group, up to 44 percent, has a higher-than-average IQ. Many people with autism, even those who can’t talk, have found ways to communicate using modern technology.

chiropractic care autism

Common Signs of Autism

By 6 months of age, most parents notice changes in their children that might point toward autism. Common signs of autism are given in the following table:

Social Communication and Interaction Skills Restricted or Repetitive Behaviors or Interests Other Characteristics
Avoids or doesn’t maintain eye contact Lines up toys and becomes upset with changes in order Delayed language skills
Does not respond to names by 9 months of age Repeats words or phrases (echolalia) Delayed movement skills
Lacks facial expressions by 9 months Plays with toys the same way every time Delayed cognitive and learning skills
Doesn’t engage in simple interactive games by 12 months Focuses on specific parts of objects (e.g., wheels) Hyperactive, impulsive, and/or inattentive behavior
Uses few or no gestures by 12 months Gets upset by minor changes Epilepsy or seizure disorder
Does not share interests with others by 15 months Has obsessive interests Unusual eating and sleeping habits
Doesn’t point to showing something interesting by 18 months Must follow certain routines Gastrointestinal issues (e.g., constipation)
Does not catch when others are hurt or upset by 24 months Engages in repetitive body movements (flapping hands, etc.) Unusual mood or emotional reactions
Does not notice other children and join them in play by 36 months Has unusual reactions to sensory stimuli Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry
Does not pretend to be something else (e.g., teacher or superhero) during play by 48 months Lack of fear or heightened fear

What Is Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic treatment is a hands-on healing art. Trained pros, known as chiropractors, perform it. They use swift, precise force to adjust your spine. This can help your body work better.

Chiropractic care isn’t just for backs. It can ease neck, muscle, and headache pains too. It’s about your whole musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

When you get adjusted, the chiropractor gets you positioned just right. Often, you’ll lie down on a special table for this. With a firm, quick move, the chiropractor shifts your joints. This might make a pop sound. That’s normal.

Many find relief from back pain with chiropractic care. Studies show it helps about as much as standard treatments. It can also be good for neck pain and headaches.

It’s key to see a pro for this. When done right, it’s safe. Serious side effects are rare. If you don’t get better after a few weeks, it might not be right for you.

Can a Chiropractor Help with Autism?

Could a chiropractor make a difference for autism? Definitely. Chiropractors aren’t just for adults. They can also help kids with autism. These kids often have sensory and digestive troubles. They may not be able to sleep well, either. Many parents want to skip medications. That’s where chiropractic comes in.

With gentle movements, a chiropractor can realign a child’s spine. This realignment can ease the nervous system. That means less neck and back pain for the child. Better sleep can follow. Even headaches and tummy issues can improve.

For a kid with autism, having a body that moves easily is a big deal. Chiropractic care can boost mobility and flexibility. It helps their nervous system work better, too. The benefits are clear. Chiropractic could offer some relief for kids with autism.

autism chiropractic benefits

Autism And Chiropractic Care: 4 Key Benefits

There are four key ways chiropractic care can benefit kids suffering from autism. It’s not just about easing pain. It can truly enhance daily living for those with autism. Let’s look closer at these life-changing benefits.

  • Allows Early Intervention

Early intervention makes a big difference for autism. The sooner you start, the better for the child. Recognize signs early, then get the right support. Autism isn’t curable, but early care improves outcomes.

Chiropractic care is one of the steps when it comes to early intervention. It’s safe, even for newborns. It helps kids with autism live better and sooner. Starting chiropractic care early can set the stage for positive advancements. It helps the child’s nervous system as they grow.

  • Quality of Life Can Improve

Improving quality of life is crucial for those with autism. Autism stays for life, but care can boost living standards. Chiropractic care serves as a valuable intervention. It can start very early, right after birth.

Chiropractors can improve life experiences for those on the spectrum. With consistent care, their bodies and minds can function smoother. This smoothness leads to greater comfort and participation in life. Children with autism grow with more ease and joy. Besides, chiropractic care is safe and can spark significant life changes. It helps these children unlock their full potential for a fulfilling life.

  • It boosts immunity

Chiropractic boosts immunity for those with autism. Why does this matter? A strong immune system fights off sickness better. Spinal misalignments can hinder nerve function. This impacts immune strength.

Thankfully, chiropractors adjust spines gently. This removes blocks in nerve pathways. Afterwards, the brain and the body are able to communicate effectively. This talk helps the body ward off illnesses better. So, chiropractic care isn’t just for pain. It also keeps those with autism healthier. With better immune function, they can enjoy more of life. This care is part of a whole health approach for autism.

  • It Can Improve Many Issues

Chiropractic care can tackle various autism issues. Speech delays? Chiropractic may help. Social skills not strong? It offers benefits in this regard. Behavior concerns? Chiropractic care addresses these, too.

The spine links to the brain via nerves. A healthier spine means a sharper brain. This sharpness can aid in language skills and social interactions. Better spine health also helps behavior. It’s all connected.

How Long Before Results Show?

Results from chiropractic vary for autism. Some children improve quickly after one session. For others, benefits take about a month. Yet, some notice changes in just two weeks. Every child’s journey is unique. Patience is key, as progress can unfold at different rates.

Final Thoughts

Chiropractic care presents a supportive role for autism. It offers early intervention and can improve the overall quality of life. Immunity gets a boost, and various autism-related issues can improve. The results may vary, but the benefits are clear.

At The Brost Clinic, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with autism. Our goal is to provide compassionate, effective chiropractic treatments. We’re here to enhance the well-being of everyone who walks through our doors.

We stand ready to support families from Plymouth, Minnetonka, and beyond. Together, we can work toward better health and brighter futures for those on the autism spectrum.

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The Brost Chiropractic Clinic