can chiropractor help pulled muscle

Are you suffering from a pulled muscle? The pain and stiffness can make daily living quite challenging. Many individuals visit chiropractors for assistance with such a problem. That’s because chiropractors are experts in treating musculoskeletal issues. If muscle pain is preventing you from moving comfortably or performing simple tasks, they can help you out.

In this article, we’ll discuss how can chiropractor help pulled muscle. We’ll also explore which specific reason causes this problem and their symptoms and prevention.

What Is a Pulled Muscle?

A pulled muscle is sometimes referred to as a strain on the muscle or tendon. It results from an extremely stretched or torn tendon within the muscle fibers. Although it can occur anywhere on the body, the lower back, hamstrings, neck, shoulders, and calves are the most typical places for this condition.

After pulling a muscle, you often experience instant discomfort and trouble moving the affected body part. The severity of the pull may vary from minor to severe. Physicians call it “grade one, two, and three strains,” depending on its severity.

You can treat minor strains at home by resting the affected area and gently massaging it. However, if you have a popping or snapping sensation, consult a physician or surgeon immediately, as this indicates a significant strain (grade 3).

What Causes a Pulled Muscle?

Pulling a muscle occurs when the muscle is overused, misused, or injured in some other manner. A pulled muscle can result from events like stepping awkwardly off a curb or being hard-tagged in football. It’s surprising how easily this damage can result from just moving about. Check out these main causes of strained muscles:

Vehicular Accidents

Various body parts can sustain injuries in car crashes, even in less severe cases. The places where you pull muscles may be painful, and you may have severe discomfort. Car crashes can also result in bursitis, an uncomfortable swelling in your joints, and pain in your neck.

Sports Injuries

A torn calf or hamstring muscle frequently forces athletes to leave a game. Pushing your muscles too hard during high-energy sports can cause them to become tired. Athletes may experience at least two pulled muscles in their lifetime. Playing sports can increase your risk of muscle injury if you don’t warm up properly and maintain strong muscles.

Workplace Accidents

It can be dangerous for your muscles to work in unsafe positions. Performing tough physical activities with repetitive motions or heavy lifting might cause severe muscle strain. Additionally, the force of an accident at work, such as a fall, might strain your muscles.

can a chiropractor help a pulled muscle

Symptoms of a Pulled Muscle

You will immediately feel the pain when you pull a muscle. It resembles a sudden, intense pain that flows to the area where you were injured. The following occurs when you pull a muscle:

  1. Your muscles may become lighter in color.
  2. It could swell.
  3. You might even hear a small pop when it occurs.
  4. You might feel a weak or stiff muscle.
  5. That sudden pain is back.
  6. Your movement is limited; you may not move that area of your body very well.
  7. Your muscle may occasionally begin to spasm, which causes it to twitch or move on its own.

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Pulled Muscle?

Consequently, severe muscle injuries can cause extreme discomfort. And such problems also have a lengthy healing period. Initially, you may think about taking pain medication. However, this temporary fix won’t address the underlying issue. Visiting a chiropractor and undergoing surgery are two ways to help repair it.

Visiting a chiropractor assures you that no surgery or stitches will be made on you. Rather, they’ll do a few tests to figure out the extent of your muscle injury. While it’s not always necessary, they may do so to get a better view of your muscles. After diagnosing the issue, they will develop a plan to assist in your recovery.

A typical chiropractic treatment involves applying gentle pressure to the affected area using hands, resting, using ice, wrapping, and elevating the affected area—a technique known as RICE. To quicken the healing of muscles, chiropractors may also employ specific treatments.

It is critical to begin the RICE treatment as soon as possible after an injury for pain relief and to promote speedier healing. The benefit of visiting a chiropractor is that chiropractic adjustments can still be beneficial even if you have had a previous injury to a muscle. It’s a good idea to visit a reputable chiropractor within two days of suffering a muscle injury.

What Can You Expect During Your Visit?

The first time you see a chiropractor, they will measure your range of motion in the troubled location. They will also observe its effects on the other parts of your body.

The chiropractor may ask you to perform specific exercises and movements to determine your range of motion and how various activities impact you. In addition, they’ll inquire about your medical background and discuss the best course of action for recovering your health.

The chiropractor uses various treatments throughout sessions. These are meant to reduce pain while helping muscle recovery. They might recommend warm massage therapy to speed up muscle relaxation.

what will a chiropractor do for a pulled muscle

How to Prevent Pulled Muscles

Use these suggestions to maintain the safety and strength of your muscles:

  • Before engaging in any sports, warm up.
  • Give your muscles a stretch every morning and night.
  • Adopt a straight posture when sitting and standing.
  • Lift correctly to prevent straining your muscles.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Consume foods high in potassium before working out to prevent muscle weakness.
  • To strengthen your muscles, engage in exercise.


So, surely chiropractic care can help with pulled muscle. Chiropractors are experts at treating torn muscles as they aim to restore correct alignment, reduce irritation, and encourage natural healing with light adjustments and focused therapy. At The Brost Clinic, we are committed to help you achieve optimal health and recovery from injuries, regardless of age. Have faith in our knowledge and dedication to your welfare. Our reliable chiropractic care can help you get rid of muscle discomfort and reintroduce you to a healthier future. Call us today and schedule an appointment with our chiropractor now.

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