How Can Chiropractor Fix Neck Hump A Comprehensive Guide 2

In our modern world, we spend a lot of time bent over screens and desks, which can lead to a problem known as the “neck hump” or Dowager’s Hump. This can be painful and doesn’t appear pretty. But there’s good news: chiropractic treatment can help make it better or even fix it. In this article, we’ll talk about what a neck hump is, what causes it, and how can chiropractor fix neck hump.

What Is Neck Hump / Dowager’s Hump?

A neck hump, also known as Dowager’s Hump, is a prominent extension at the back of the neck caused by an excessive curvature of the upper spine. This condition can happen to anyone and affects both males and females equally.

What Causes a Neck Hump?

The causes of a hump on the back of your neck can vary. We’ll discuss three primary causes that we frequently observe.

Medications/Medical Conditions

Conditions like Cushing syndrome or medications like prednisone can cause fat accumulation on the back of the neck. Because of the protruding bone called C7 in this area, being overweight can also make this area appear larger than it actually is.


The condition known as kyphosis occurs when the thoracic spine, the center section of your spine, curves more than it should. A slight curvature of the spine is normal, but anything more than fifty degrees is unhealthy.

A physician may advise wearing a specific brace to assist in straightening the spine if they observe this. Additionally, they may advise performing activities to strengthen the spine. However, in cases when the curvature is too severe, surgery may be the best option.


Your upper back bends farther forward when you have a compression fracture. Your upper back becomes a lump as a result. As a result, to look ahead, you must extend your neck farther. We refer to this rise as a Dowager’s hump. Osteoporosis is more common in women and those who were designated female at birth (AFAB) because hormonal changes after menopause can weaken bones.

Degenerative Changes in Spine

Your spine gradually loses its natural shape and function due to aging. Aging is the primary cause of this, but tumors, infections, and arthritis can also be to blame. There is a range of severity for these changes.

Poor Posture

There are three ways that your posture can cause a neck hump. These include forward head posture, cervical kyphosis, and thoracic hyperkyphosis.

How Can Chiropractor Fix Neck Hump A Comprehensive Guide

Symptoms Associated with Neck Hump

Many degrees of kyphosis, from a mild slouch to a severely twisted back, affect mobility and quality of life. Dowager’s hump symptoms can include:

Pronounced Neck Hump

When someone’s upper back begins to bend forward, it can often be felt as a small bump at the base of the neck. Unlike slouching, the extra weight does not go away when you try to stand up straight, but you may find it challenging.

Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by Dowager’s hump, especially in the area between the shoulders and the upper spine. This discomfort may worsen with time and interfere with your day-to-day activities.


Your body works hard to repair an improperly bent spine. Your back and legs may tire due to specific muscles working harder than others.
Trouble Breathing

A person with severe kyphosis may have an incredibly rounded back, which can put pressure on their chest and make breathing difficult. Additionally, it may increase the production of stomach acid, worsening heartburn.

How Can Chiropractor Fix Neck Hump

A chiropractor can fix neck hump in their own way. Let’s discuss some of them below:

Chiropractic Adjustment

Adjustments from a chiropractor are pretty beneficial in treating Dowager’s hump. Treatment for a humped neck typically consists of the following:

  • Adapting your back
  • Having massages
  • Performing stretches

Typically, multiple treatments are required to improve posture, relieve discomfort, and resolve the issue.

At-Home Exercise

In addition to receiving adjustments from a chiropractor, you can perform exercises at home if you have a neck hump. This hump is typically caused by weakening muscles that develop over time. Therefore, strengthening your muscles through exercise can assist in straightening your spine and improve your posture. Scapular squeezes and chin tucks are workouts that you can perform at home.

The most crucial thing is to follow your chiropractor’s instructions and perform these exercises correctly and regularly. Start with a few exercises daily and slowly increase the number while paying attention to how your body feels. You’ll feel better after a while, and the hump may appear smaller. Consult your chiropractor if you experience pain while performing these exercises at home. They can help you modify your actions.

Posture Education

You will learn the correct ways to sit and stand from your chiropractor, whether at home or school. They can suggest adjusting your daily schedule and workstation arrangement to prevent the hump from reappearing.

Ways to Prevent Developing a Neck Hump

Preventing a Dowager’s hump is the simplest way to deal with this problem. Remember that “prevention is the best medicine,” especially when it comes to issues like posture-related neck humps.

It’s imperative to keep your posture correct to avoid Dowager’s hump. Even if it’s harder to maintain good posture, it is still achievable. Put yourself in a sitting position with your feet level on the floor and your knees bent 90 degrees. Maintaining a straight stance, gently pull your chin back towards your neck and down your shoulders.

Take frequent breaks if you are a heavy hitter. Stretching and exercise are also good at these times.

In The End

Many people ask whether chiropractors can fix neck hump as they attempt to realign that uncomfortable hump in their neck. The response is in the affirmative. At The Brost Clinic, our specialty offers excellent chiropractic care that addresses the fundamental cause of suffering rather than merely its symptoms. Our skilled practitioners will realign your spine, relieve pain, and help your body regain equilibrium using customized adjustments and holistic methods. You can rely on The Brost Clinic to provide high-quality chiropractic care that puts your health first from all aspects.


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