can chiropractor make you taller

Chiropractic care or chiropractic adjustments are related to easing back pain and improving spinal health. But can chiropractor make you taller? Chiropractic care does not directly increase bone length or add inches to your height. But it can improve your posture, making you appear taller.

Let’s explore how chiropractic care influences posture and its indirect effects on height.

Can Chiropractor Make You Taller?

Height is mostly predetermined by genetics. Nutrition, hormones, and health also play crucial roles during growth phases in childhood.

When someone reaches adulthood, their bones have stopped growing. That means chiropractors can not really make you grow taller.

However, many adults may not be reaching their full height potential because of poor posture and misaligned spine. Chiropractors can fix these and make you look a couple of inches taller.

How Can We Become Shorter Over Time?

Human beings tend to lose height for a few reasons. Slouching, hunching, or having a forward head posture can compress the spine. It can make you lose some of your natural height. Let’s get deep into the reasons for which we may appear short:

  • Poor posture

Poor posture can make you look shorter than you are. Bad posture can lead to structural changes in the spine. Herniated discs, scoliosis, or other spinal deformities can further reduce your natural height.

  • Spinal Compression

As we age, the intervertebral discs lose moisture and elasticity. This causes the discs to compress and flatten. This situation leads to a reduction in height.

  • Osteoporosis

This condition makes bones less dense and more fragile. Osteoporosis can lead to tiny fractures in the vertebrae. It can cause the spine to shorten, and reduce the height.

  • Lack of Exercise

Lack of exercise weakens the structures of the spine and causes poor posture and height loss.

  • Poor Nutrition

Nutrition is important for maintaining bone density and muscle strength. Lack of calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients can cause bone density loss. It also makes bones more prone to fractures and compression.

does chiropractic make you taller

Can Chiropractic Improve Your Posture?

Chiropractic adjustments involve using controlled force on specific joints in the spine to straighten and fix the misalignment. The process also relieves pressure on the nervous system.

If the spine is aligned, it can support better posture, which can help you stand taller. Here are some ways that a chiropractor can improve your posture:

  • Spinal Alignment

Chiropractors focus on ensuring that the spinal alignment is accurate. Misalignments in the spine can cause postural issues. Such as forward head posture, rounded shoulders, or an exaggerated curve in the lower back.

By correcting these misalignments, chiropractors can help you achieve a more upright posture.

  • Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression is a unique technique. Chiropractors usually practice it to reduce pressure on the spinal discs. Decompression therapy can help elongate the spine. It also reduces the compression that often makes you appear shorter.

  • Muscle and Joint Health

Chiropractors can help to improve the health of muscles and joints surrounding the spine. Muscle imbalances and tightness can pull the spine out of alignment, which contributes to poor posture.

By targeted adjustments and therapeutic exercises, chiropractic care can help balance the muscles. It allows the spine to remain in a neutral position.

  • Education and Exercise

Chiropractors give patients guidance on posture-correcting exercises. They will also provide advice on maintaining good posture throughout daily activities. These exercises strengthen the muscles that support the spine and also contribute to a taller appearance.

3 Height Enhancing Functions of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic care cannot make your bones grow longer. It can only help you reach your full height potential by improving posture and spinal alignment.

Here are some key ways in which chiropractic care can affect your height:

  • Increasing Your Vertebral Disc Height

Spinal compression occurs when the vertebrae press against each other. It happens due to poor posture, lack of movement, or age-related degeneration.

As we have already learned, chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy can relieve this pressure which allows the spine to elongate. It can also restore some lost disc height, which can slightly increase the height.

  • Correcting Posture

Postural issues like forward head posture, scoliosis, or kyphosis can make you look shorter. Chiropractors use specific techniques to correct these problems, which can result in a more aligned and upright posture.

  • Correcting Scoliosis

Chiropractors help to manage scoliosis by using spinal adjustments and different exercises. That aims to improve posture and spinal alignment.

Chiropractors use TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) to relieve pain and relax muscles. They also enhance flexibility by using flexion distraction to stretch out the thinned area of the discs.

But it does not correct the curvature itself. Surgery is recommended if the curvature is greater than 45-50 degrees.

Other Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers more benefits that contribute to your health and well-being. Chiropractors can help you ease pain, relax muscles, and improve flexibility and mobility. Let’s see how they can benefit you:

  • Pain Relief

Chiropractic care is effective in relieving pain. It can help you with pain in the back, neck, and joints. Chiropractors usually address the root cause of the discomfort. So they can help improve your physical condition.

  • Improved Mobility

Regular chiropractic adjustments can help improve joint mobility and make movement easier. Chiropractic care can increase your range of motion, which helps to maintain good posture easily.

  • Enhanced Nervous System Function

The spine houses the nervous system, which controls every function in the body. Chiropractic care ensures that nerve signals can flow freely.

  • Stress Reduction

Misalignments in the spine can cause tension and stress in the body. Chiropractors help alleviate this stress, promoting relaxation and overall wellness.

can going to chiropractor make you taller

Tips for Maintaining a Good Posture

There are several steps to maintain good posture and maximize your height potential. They are the following:

1. Stay Active

Regular exercise and activities that strengthen the core and back muscles can help support good posture.

2. Be Mindful of Your Posture

Pay attention to your posture throughout the day, especially when sitting or standing for long periods.

3. Use Ergonomic Furniture

Choose chairs and desks that support proper posture. You can also adjust your workstation to prevent slouching.

4. Stretch Regularly

Stretching helps to keep muscles flexible. It can reduce tension that contributes to poor posture.

5. Avoid Prolonged Sitting

Take breaks to stand, stretch, and move around if you have a sedentary job.

Conclusion on Can Chiropractor Make You Taller

Chiropractors cannot make you taller by lengthening your bones. But they can help you reach your full potential. Chiropractors can treat your muscle and joint pain and improve mobility and flexibility.

Chiropractic techniques address the underlying causes of poor pose, such as spinal misalignments and muscle imbalances. While treating these issues, you can achieve a couple of inches in height.

By receiving regular chiropractic adjustments and following posture-friendly habits, you can stand taller and feel more confident.

However, you need to find an experienced and licensed chiropractor if you want to get the right treatment. If you are curious to find out the benefits of chiropractic care, you can contact The Brost Clinic and book a session. We provide back pain treatment, neck pain, sciatica, headache treatment, and other services like acupuncture, massage therapy, and spinal decompression. To get expert care from licensed chiropractors, contact us now!

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