can you go to the chiropractor while pregnant

Pregnancy takes a toll on the body as expecting mothers face many bodily discomforts. Lower back and hip pain are very common of those problems. Regular check-ups with a doctor and abiding by their suggestions is a practical solution. But for such pains, can you go to the chiropractor while pregnant? The answer is yes! Fortunately, relief could only be a chiropractor’s visit away. In this article, we will answer many important questions regarding chiropractic care and the part it plays during and after pregnancy. Please keep reading!

Can You Go to the Chiropractor While Pregnant – Is It Safe?

It is absolutely okay and beneficial to see a licensed chiropractor while you are pregnant. It can be hard on your body during pregnancy. Your muscles and joints may hurt in ways you have not felt before. If you had back pain before you got pregnant, seeing a chiropractor can help ease these new pains. An experienced and professional chiropractor can make you feel better, help you walk better, and prepare the baby for labor, too!

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic care is secure for pregnant women and can help with more than just pain and stress. Your pelvic balance can change as your belly expands, which you may not have considered.

Maintaining your pelvic balance will help you feel better throughout your pregnancy. A misaligned pelvis can cause intrauterine restriction, limiting the baby’s room. This reduces the probability of a standard, non-invasive birth.

Chiropractors often use the Webster Technique on pregnant mothers. This particular procedure aligns the mother’s pelvis and improves nerve function. This procedure balances pelvic muscles and ligaments and decreases uterine stress. It was initially used to flip breech newborns, but research has shown that it can aid throughout pregnancy and prevent birth difficulties. Many chiropractors utilize this treatment on pregnant women at all stages.

There are three main stages of pregnancy, each lasting about three months. These are called trimesters. The first trimester lasts from conception to 12 weeks. 13 to 27 weeks is the second trimester. The third trimester lasts from 18 to 40 weeks.

Regular chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy may minimize nausea, prevent C-sections, and shorten labor. These techniques can reduce the delivery of pain medication. After pregnancy, follow-up therapies can safely realign the body and expedite recovery to a healthy state.

When To Start Chiropractic Care When Pregnant

You have no set deadline for beginning or stopping chiropractor visits during pregnancy. Make sure to ask about it at your first pregnancy appointment. Your doctor can advise you on prenatal chiropractic care for you and your baby.

You should ask the chiropractor about their experience with pregnant women and whether they have specific tables. Usually, pregnant women visit a chiropractor once every month. Every person and pregnancy is unique, though. Hence, your chiropractor will design a program that works for you.

Are There Any Restrictions on Adjustments at the Chiropractor?

Your pregnancy chiropractor will clarify any particular adjustment rules. Your body may seem and feel differently adjusted by them than expected. They could apply several methods to ensure they operate securely around your expanding tummy.

can i go to chiropractor pregnant

Does the Chiropractor Affect the Baby?

First of all, a pregnancy chiropractor will be the best one to visit. They surely have experience treating expecting mothers at different trimesters. They are well aware of the baby’s growth inside you and can make positive impacts. They can help keep your hips straight, which is good for you and gives your baby more room to move around.

Also, seeing a chiropractor while pregnant can help ensure your infant is ready to be born with its head down. This can make the birth easier for both you and your baby.

Is Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy Safe?

It is safe to see a chiropractor during pregnancy and after delivery. During childbirth, your pelvis shifts, causing pain when you move, nurse, or sleep.

Seeing a chiropractor after giving birth offers numerous advantages. Chiropractic care can help minimize labor pain, relieve discomfort, and correct pelvic misalignment.

Benefits of Chiropractic Post Pregnancy:

  • Minimizing Pain from Birth: Restoring balance in your pelvis can help alleviate pain and discomfort after giving birth.
  • Helping Spine Pain: You should move your spine after the alignment, mid-back, and shoulders because breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and rocking can hurt them.
  • Assisting with Mid-Back Pain: You’ll get relief from mid-back pain from car seats or long-term baby carrying.

How Soon Can I See a Chiropractor After Pregnancy?

Your doctor and chiropractor can advise you on the optimum time to receive chiropractic care after giving birth. The outcome of your labor and delivery determines this.

If you had a simple vaginal delivery, you may be able to visit a chiropractor once you can leave the house. Although, after a routine Cesarean delivery (C-section), chiropractic therapy may be frequently delayed 4-6 weeks or three months.

Are There Any Restrictions on Adjustments?

Your chiropractor will discuss any particular adjustments you may need during postnatal treatment. They may alter their treatment to meet your new routines since your baby has changed your lifestyle. As you rock, carry, and feed your baby, your body may develop new aches and pains. Your chiropractor can help you feel better and relieve these pains from new activities.


The answer to “Can you go to the chiropractor while pregnant?” is yes. Although, you have to follow the proper steps and get the right care. Chiropractors can safely and gently treat pregnancy-related back and pelvic pain. Before starting a new treatment, you should always talk to your doctor to ensure it is the right choice for you.

You can get expert care at The Brost Clinic to support your health while pregnant. Our certified, professional, and compassionate chiropractors can help you during this amazing time of becoming a mother. Schedule an appointment today!

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