can chiropractic help with vertigo

Do you feel like spinning in your head sometimes? Or have you heard someone say, “There is so much going on. I just feel like my head is spinning.” This is a symptom of vertigo. It is a unique situation in which stress can cause someone to feel that their surroundings are whirling and tilting. Middle- to older-aged people are more likely to experience such misery.

Luckily, there is a non-invasive treatment to cure vertigo: chiropractic care. Now, a question may come to your mind: “How can chiropractic help with vertigo?” In this article, we will answer this question thoroughly and explain every other important thing you need to know regarding vertigo.

What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a symptom where you will feel a sudden sensation that you’re spinning or the floor is moving or tilting around you. Vertigo can cause intense feelings of dizziness and lasts for hours or even for days. Although it does not happen all the time, it causes serious problems and interferes with everyday tasks.

What Causes Vertigo?

Vertigo is often linked with inner ear problems such as ear infections. There are other conditions that cause vertigo, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and Meniere’s disease, as well as migraines, strokes, and head or neck injuries. Moreover, some medications also cause vertigo. This is why doctors have to understand your medical history.

What Are the Main Symptoms of Vertigo?

There is a wide range of symptoms of vertigo along with vertigo causes. The most common way to know if you’re suffering from vertigo is experiencing dizziness and imbalance. However, there are other symptoms, including:

  • Tinnitus (Buzzing or ringing in the ears)
  • Loss of hearing
  • Swaying
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Sweating

does chiropractic help vertigo

How Can Chiropractic Help with Vertigo?

Vertigo is a sensitive condition as it is linked to head, neck, or spine issues. Being a professional dealing with musculoskeletal issues, a chiropractor can help you with vertigo symptoms. A chiropractor removes the stress that occurs because of an adrenaline rush generated by the ‘fight-or-flight response. Let’s explore in detail how chiropractic treatment can be the best option for you regarding vertigo:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

One of the vertigo, called cervical vertigo, generally follows a neck injury in which joints in the cervical spine begin to move improperly. As a result, the brain receives signals of disordered posture and movements of your body.

A misaligned vertebra can also prevent the proper flow of spinal fluid. It causes buildup in the ear canal. This condition results in dizziness, headaches, and disorientation. A knowledgeable chiropractor will use manipulations. They realign the damaged nervous system and restore appropriate channels for signaling the brain.

Chiropractic adjustments can help you with vertigo return and reposition your vestibular system. They give you ease with restored hearing, improved balance, and greater confidence!

  • The Epley Maneuver

There is another type of vertigo called “Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).” BPPV stems are built up from calcium particles in the inner ear. The calcium can shift from otolith organs to other areas of the inner ear and create dizziness from shifting the perceived center of balance.

Chiropractors can help to treat BPPV with the Epley Maneuver. In this process, the chiropractor holds the patient’s head and places it in different positions. This way, the calcium crystals get redistributed. It’s a non-invasive, rapid, and simple treatment. Your body’s natural healing can be facilitated through this.

Benefits of Choosing Chiropractic Treatment for Vertigo

Yes, there are many medications and treatment options for vertigo and dizziness. But there are reasons why chiropractic care is becoming more and more popular. Let’s explore the benefits of chiropractic for vertigo.

  1. Non-Invasive and Drug-Free: If you are the kind of person seeking natural treatment, chiropractic care is the best alternative option for finding relief. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical, drug-free alternative to choose.
  2. Addresses Underlying Causes: A chiropractor works on your spine to realign it. It can be the root cause of vertigo. They find the proper cause first rather than treating the symptoms of your problems instantly.
  3. Improves Overall Well-Being: Many patients who took chiropractic treatment to treat vertigo have achieved improved health conditions and enhanced quality of life.

Choosing the Right Chiropractor

If you are seeking chiropractic for vertigo, always look for an expert and licensed chiropractor. It’s important that they have previous experience with treating patients with such an issue. The chiropractor must know the right techniques, including the Epley Manoeuvre.

Chiropractic treatment is risk-free. However, if the spinal manipulation is done wrong, that might initiate long-term suffering. That’s why check the credentials of your selected chiropractors.

You can ask them questions about their experience and the techniques they follow, as well as ask for referrals and testimonials. Your peace of mind is important, so be fully sure when you consider your clinic.

Here in Wayzata, The Brost Clinic comes out as the top provider of chiropractic care. We have dealt with a number of vertigo patients who have left our clinic comfortable and happy. Experience and skill are unquestionable, but we are also dedicated to the right diagnosis and treatment plan. Contact us; we are here to answer all your questions and to help you treat vertigo issues.


Studies have shown that chiropractic care can reduce dizziness and vertigo and improve your quality of life. Moreover, it’s a drug-free, non-invasive, and risk-free treatment.

In this article, we have answered your question, “Can chiropractic help with vertigo?”, the causes and symptoms of vertigo, the benefits of chiropractic care, and how you can cure vertigo with the help of a chiropractor.

However, consult your healthcare provider for suggestions to take on chiropractic treatment.

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The Brost Chiropractic Clinic