Can a Chiropractor Write Prescriptions Know the Laws and Boundaries

Can a Chiropractor Write Prescriptions: Know the Laws and Boundaries

Since chiropractors began practicing, there has been disagreement over whether they can write prescriptions. Some people believe it is risky and affects the reliability of the medical field for chiropractors to issue prescriptions. On the other hand, some people think chiropractors should have the same access to medicines as medical professionals with standard training. So, what’s true? Can a chiropractor write prescriptions? Let’s find out!

Understanding Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care aims to support the human body’s natural healing processes without needing medication or surgery. Chiropractors are health professionals who focus on diagnosing and treating problems with muscles and bones, particularly in the spine. They gently realign any misalignments with their hands and assist in enhancing the body’s overall sensation.

Chiropractic Philosophy and Approach

The foundation of chiropractic care is the theory that your body functions best when your spine is aligned correctly. If your spine is misaligned, a chiropractor will use chiropractic methods to correct it. This improves movement, reduces discomfort, and increases the rate at which your body repairs itself.

Can a Chiropractor Write Prescriptions?

The exact answer to this question is not that easy to provide. The scope of what can be done by healthcare providers varies depending on the location of discomfort in the body. Also, understanding the scope of each provider’s authority is crucial.
Back and neck discomfort are common among the muscles. To help people feel better, chiropractors use exercises and hands-on therapy.

They cannot perform surgery or administer medication like doctors can.
Chiropractors can prescribe certain medicines, such as pain relievers or muscle relaxants. Yet, there may be restrictions on what and how much they can prescribe. Chiropractors can also perform primary care duties in a few states. But they don’t perform all the tasks that doctors do.

People have differing views on whether chiropractors should administer medicine. You should review the laws and regulations in your area first. Then, you will understand what a chiropractor can and cannot perform.

Can a Chiropractor Write Prescriptions

A Look at the Laws and Regulations

Laws vary from state to state. In certain states, chiropractors have been able to write prescriptions since 2002 and California is one of them. In other states, the practice is still prohibited.

When treating bone and muscle issues, chiropractors in California are licensed to write prescriptions. Prescription medicines can treat infections, reduce discomfort, and relax muscles. They are also an excellent way to lower inflammation.

In California, chiropractors can prescribe over 60 different medications for these conditions. Although chiropractors cannot write prescriptions in many other locations around the country, they can still recommend some medicines. They are just unable to write the actual prescription.

Collaborating with medical professionals is a good idea since it makes it easier for individuals to get the required medications. It could also promote synergy with chiropractors and other medical professionals.

Nonetheless, there are people who believe that granting chiropractors this authority could lead to issues. For instance, they might prescribe many unnecessary medications. Although this argument has been going on for a while, it has recently gained more attention.

Collaborative Care: Chiropractors and Medical Doctors

A chiropractor can give you relief from your muscle or joint pain using a hands-on approach. On the other hand, a medical doctor may cure your disease with medicines and proper treatment plans. However, a collaborative care option can do wonders!

Complementary Roles

Chiropractors and medical doctors have distinct but crucial roles in the healthcare industry. Doctors or physicians perform procedures, prescribe medications, and diagnose illnesses. Chiropractors place more focus on bone and muscle health. Instead of taking medication, they can offer alternative methods of treating physical discomfort.

Holistic Treatment Plans

Patients may experience improved outcomes while receiving chiropractic and medical care together. Chiropractors assist by reducing pain, improving movement, and increasing general well-being. On the other hand, patients get optimal health care when medical doctors and chiropractors collaborate.

Chiropractors Are Effective to Treat Pains

Chiropractors are skilled in relieving bone, muscle, and joint pain in patients. While they use several techniques to treat pain, adjustments are the primary part. Mild massages are used to treat specific areas of your spine or other joints. It’s an alternative to using medication to feel better.

Additionally, chiropractors might recommend posture correctors and other exercises. Yet, you might question whether posture correctors are beneficial. An advantage of visiting a chiropractor is that their examination covers your overall health. They also consider other factors contributing to your pain, such as posture or gait.

They may recommend lifestyle adjustments if you are overweight. This implies that a chiropractor considers more than your discomfort. Since chiropractors are not medical doctors, they cannot write prescriptions. That doesn’t mean, yet, that their practice and techniques are not effective. They use non-pharmaceutical treatments, which are beneficial to many individuals.

With chiropractic, you don’t have to tolerate severe discomfort until it completely goes away. Painkillers are an option, but they are only temporary solutions. You should visit a chiropractor for long-lasting pain relief. Seeing a chiropractor is like investing in your well-being. In the end, it will be worthwhile.

When Does a Chiropractor Refer a Patient to a Doctor?

Like medical professionals, chiropractors are not authorized to prescribe medicines. It’s usually best to start by speaking with your primary care physician if you’re not sure when to get medical help.

In some cases, chiropractors might suggest visiting a physician. Medical attention is required for allergies, infections, or skin rashes. Severe chest discomfort or difficulty of breathing can not be solved through chiropractic care. A physician can help diagnose the issue.

Many people want to experiment with various treatments. Sometimes, chiropractors can treat specific ailments without needing medication or surgery. It’s not always easy to decide whether to see a doctor or a chiropractor. It is up to the individual to follow their instincts and make the correct decision.

In any case, you must discuss any worries you may have with your healthcare professional. They can provide you with the greatest care for any illness or symptoms you may be experiencing. Finding what’s best for you depends on knowing when to consult a doctor rather than a chiropractor.


Are Chiropractors Considered as Medical Doctors?

Chiropractors are not like other medical professionals. They are trained in specific techniques for treating musculoskeletal problems.

Can Chiropractic Adjustments Replace Medical Treatments?

Chiropractic adjustments can support medical therapies. Yet, they cannot replace necessary treatment procedures or medications.

Is Chiropractic Care Suitable for Everyone?

Not everyone responds well to chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic care may benefit those with back pain, neck discomfort, headaches, pain

in other joints or muscles. If anyone has osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, or other medical disorders, they can also consult with a chiropractor.

Can Chiropractors Prescribe Pain Medication?

Chiropractors are not allowed to prescribe painkillers. They differ from other doctors because chiropractors do more than treat pain. Their goal is to determine the underlying cause of the pain and make it easier and pain-free for individuals to move for as long as possible.

In The End

The crucial query still stands: Can a chiropractor write prescriptions? It is clear that chiropractors primarily concentrate on natural health care solutions, although the exact response differs according to the state and particular laws. Our goal at The Brost Clinic is to provide the highest caliber of chiropractic care while enabling people to embrace wellness without needing prescription medications. Our top priorities for families of all ages are promoting optimal health and reducing discomfort. Put your trust in our knowledge to help you live a better, healthier life.

can a chiropractor help with dizziness

Regain Your Balance: How Can a Chiropractor Help With Dizziness

Dizziness can seriously impact your day-to-day work, making it difficult to work, drive, and even enjoy basic activities. If you are suffering from vertigo or dizziness, you may be thinking about how a chiropractor can help. In this guide, we will explore what causes dizziness, how can a chiropractor help with dizziness, and what advantages come with seeing a chiropractor.

What is Dizziness?

The feeling of being unsteady, anxious, or dizzy is called dizziness. It can occasionally induce fainting because it is connected to the sensory organs, particularly the eyes and hearing. Dizziness is a symptom of many different conditions rather than a sickness in and of itself.

It’s normal to feel dizzy. Occasional dizziness is nothing to worry about. However, if you’ve been dizzy for an extended time without a clear cause, you should consult a doctor.

What Causes Dizziness?

Vestibular neuritis is the most prevalent cause of dizziness. Inflamed vestibular nerves help the brain receive balance information. Usually affecting just one ear, the vestibular system frequently accompanies nausea and vomiting. Other potential reasons for dizziness include:

  • Meniere’s Disease

An inner ear condition known as Meniere’s disease can cause dizziness, hearing loss, and tinnitus. The condition results from fluid accumulation in the inner ear and typically affects individuals in their 20s to 50s. Meniere’s disease has no known cure. However, some therapies can help control the symptoms.

The most typical sign of Meniere’s illness is dizziness. It can result in nausea, vomiting, and a spinning feeling. Head position changes can set off vertigo episodes, which can linger for minutes or even hours. One other typical Meniere’s disease symptom is hearing loss. Initially, it is typically a low-frequency loss that progresses to a severe high-frequency loss over time.

  • Benign Positional Vertigo

Move your head in specific ways, and you may get dizziness, which is known as benign positional vertigo. Although other disorders can potentially cause it, inner ear problems are frequently the reason. Types of vertigo are not the same all the time. The feeling of spinning or dizziness when moving your head in specific positions is the most typical sign of benign positional vertigo. This may occur if you:

  • Move your head.
  • Lay down
  • Sit up
  • Look either up or down.

Usually, the dizziness subsides after a few seconds or minutes. It can sometimes go on for hours or even days. Benign positional vertigo often resolves independently in a few weeks and is not risky.

  • Migraines

One kind of headache that can induce severe pain is migraine. Other symptoms, such as light and sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting, also accompany migraines. Migraines can be so bad that they make it difficult for you to do daily tasks and may last for hours or even days.

  • Labyrinthitis

Inner ear problems include labyrinthitis. The ear’s labyrinth is a network of canals that aids hearing and balance. Inflamed labyrinths might result in dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss. Labyrinthitis occasionally causes nausea and vomiting. The standard treatment for labyrinthitis consists of rest and over-the-counter medicines to ease symptoms. In more severe situations, hospitalization may be necessary.

can chiropractor help with dizziness

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Dizziness: 7 Best Ways

While dizziness is not a common cause for visiting a chiropractor, those who do report experiencing significant relief from their condition. Compared to other medical experts, chiropractors provide more substantial relief to patients with balance issues or dizziness. Furthermore, compared to other health practitioners, they typically do so more frequently. These are 7 strategies they employ.

  • Spinal Adjustments

Treatment of dizziness is just one of the many advantages that a patient might receive from spinal adjustments. The central nervous system, which facilitates communication between the brain and the body, is in the spine. On the other hand, this communication may be blocked in the event of a subluxation or unusual alignment of the vertebrae in the spine.

These subluxations may be a direct or indirect cause of vertigo and dizziness. Resolving the subluxation with safe, noninvasive spine manipulation can indirectly aid healing and recovery. But, there are other ways that chiropractic care might address dizziness. It’s only one of several tools out there.

  • The Epley Maneuver

The most effective method for treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the Epley technique. The accumulation of calcium crystals in the inner ear is the source of dizziness, which might impair your balance.

It’s preferable to perform the maneuver with assistance, which a chiropractor can provide. You can practice the maneuver at home after he or she demonstrates it for you. Treating BPPV with this approach has proven to be highly successful.

  • Fixes Nerve Interference

Vertigo symptoms may arise due to nerve interference, particularly in the upper neck. Cervicogenic vertigo syndromes are episodes of vertigo brought on by irritation of the upper cervical nerves. Poor posture and neck injuries are the usual causes of this kind of dizziness.

In this instance, the chiropractor uses manual manipulation techniques to concentrate on realigning the neck’s vertebrae to their natural positions. Once the vertebrae are realigned and the nerves are no longer inflamed, the symptoms of vertigo will disappear.

  • Stretches and Exercises

Your chiropractor may prescribe basic stretches and exercises for you to perform at home. It depends on the kind of vertigo you experience. Many people discover that if they follow the exercises prescribed by their chiropractor, their vertigo goes away in as little as two weeks.

  • Stress Relief

The negative effects of stress on the body are well known. Stress can cause dizziness. And stress is almost unavoidable for most of us. At least, that’s what we believe. Chiropractic treatment can assist you in controlling and reducing your stress.

A chiropractic massage is among the most effective ways to do this. Yet, many people report feeling less anxious following a spinal manipulation session. This contributes to difficulty sleeping, a key element in accumulating stress.

  • Fixes Your Posture

Posture is one of the critical factors that chiropractors consider when making a diagnosis. Because we often adopt a folded position when using a computer or phone, poor posture is a significant issue worldwide.

Additionally, bad posture can irritate the spine’s nerves, which might result in dizziness. Fortunately, chiropractors are skilled in using stretches, spinal manipulation, and exercises to help you regain proper posture.

  • Chiropractic Massage

Chiropractic massage has been addressed several times in this article. The truth is that it’s an effective technique that can improve general health and wellness and treat dizziness.

To restore the health and function of the muscles surrounding the spine, this kind of massage includes spinal manipulation. Without realizing it, you often have stiff, pinched back muscles. These muscles can return to normal with chiropractic massage. Also, it helps the body cut toxins that have accumulated in the muscles and relieve stress.

Wrapping Up

Can a chiropractor help with dizziness? The answer is definitely yes. Our goal at The Brost Clinic is to deliver the best chiropractic adjustment possible. Our method is to satisfy the different requirements of people of all ages. It also promotes ideal health and assists with pain relief.

With our skilled care, you won’t have to face the challenging symptoms of dizziness alone. Allow us to assist you in regaining balance and health. It ensures you have support at every turn. Regain your balance with the help of our reliable staff.

can a chiropractor give work restrictions

Can a Chiropractor Give Work Restrictions?

Dealing with injuries, pain, and illness can be hard. In many of these scenarios, work restrictions might become necessary. However, you really do not want to go to the wrong kind of doctor who may not be eligible to let you off work.

Chiropractors usually emerge as saviors in any injury-related situation. The noninvasive approach of chiropractic well suits many. But can a chiropractor give work restrictions?

There’s no clear answer to that. Mainly, this depends on your employer’s FMLA coverage, disability insurance, and your medical issues. In this article, we will look into this answer more broadly. We will tell you every possible requirement to get the restriction approved through a chiropractor.

What Is a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors treat a wide range of health problems in people of all ages. After college, a chiropractor goes to school for four to five years to get their Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree. They are well-known as experts at helping people with headaches, back pain, and neck pain.

Chiropractors also treat a wide range of injuries and illnesses that affect the muscles, ligaments, and joints. They use manipulations or mobilizations, which are also known as chiropractic adjustments. They also give their patients advice on healthy eating, exercise, and healthy habits and bring appropriate modifications to their work and personal lives.

Chiropractic Care for Work-Related Injuries

An experienced chiropractor can help you get better from your injuries and keep them from happening again. Certain injuries at work can stretch and tear muscles and ligaments, causing pain and discomfort. These injuries can sometimes also cause long-term issues like back pain or bulging discs.

Getting medical help right away is important in such a scenario. And a chiropractor’s help can be the best bet here.

Chiropractic care realigns the musculoskeletal system, restores joint function, decompresses nerves, and speeds up muscle recovery. All of these are done using some common techniques, such as manual manipulations, massage, acupuncture, etc.

But now things get a little tricky. Based on their job description, chiropractors are clearly experts in their field. So, if you have a problem with your back or neck, you might think that a chiropractor would be a good doctor to see in order to get work restrictions approved. It is not always like this, though. A lot of things affect this, which we will talk about below.

can a chiropractor take you off work

Chiropractors and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 recognizes chiropractors as valid medical professionals for approving leave. However, getting a short-term disability approved through a chiropractor can be challenging unless certain conditions are met.

For approval, the chiropractor has to take an x-ray. They also need to treat any problems with your spine that they think keep you from working. Without an x-ray or treatment for conditions other than spinal misalignments, FMLA is unlikely to approve your leave.

Remember, even meeting these requirements doesn’t guarantee approval. Much depends on individual cases and practitioners under FMLA guidelines. Additionally, they consider whether your employer qualifies under FMLA standards. This includes private sector employers with at least 50 employees over 20 workweeks in the past year.

Besides, it also covers any local state or federal government agency, as well as private secondary or elementary schools. You should check with HR to see if your company fits one of these categories.

Chiropractors and Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability is more about long-term disabilities. However, it is still important to mention it here. When the Social Security Administration (SSA) decides on a claim, they do not look at what chiropractors say.

That being said, if your chiropractor took x-rays, these could help you get a medical doctor’s approval and other information. You will need to get copies of the x-rays and bring them to the Social Security office handling your claim. That’s because the SSA will not call your chiropractor to ask for these records.

Chiropractors and Employee Or Employer Insurance

No one rule applies to chiropractors when it comes to insurance. This is true whether it is private or through their job. Some insurance companies use chiropractors’ opinions to decide if someone is temporarily disabled. Other insurance plans do not. Check with your private disability insurance or talk to your employer about this.

Many people say that when they go to the doctor for back pain, the doctor just “waits and sees.” It can be a problem if you want to get work-off quickly.

In this instance, you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcomes if you have never visited a chiropractor before. You might get better quickly with chiropractic treatment. Hence, you will not need a short-term disability.

can chiropractors give work restrictions

When Can a Chiropractor Give Work Restrictions?

You need to talk to your boss about when or if you can take time off to see a chiropractor. No matter how long you need off, you should talk to your boss or private disability insurance to find the best plan for you.

Check to see if the FMLA applies to your company. If so, and you have had x-rays and spinal adjustments, you might be able to take time off work to heal.


Q. Can Chiropractors Write Notes for Work?

Ans. Yes. Chiropractors can write a note to an employer telling them that an employee is hurt and can not do their job. They can fill out a functional abilities form and suggest changes to duties or graduated hours. They can also write an employee a note telling them to go back to work. However, for some long-term disability claims, the forms need to be filled out by a medical doctor. If this is the case, you should talk to your claims carrier.

Q. How Often Do You Need to See a Chiropractor After a Work Injury?

Ans. You might need to go to three appointments a week for two weeks. After this, you might need appointments once a week for a while. Then, depending on your condition, you may only need maintenance appointments every two to four weeks.


Work-related injuries can be frustrating. They hamper your performance, slow you down, and your company, too. Besides, without proper care, they can lead to chronic back pain.

Chiropractic care is highly beneficial for treating such injuries. Besides, with a chiropractor’s approval, you can get the necessary work restrictions. But certain standards, like those of FMLA, must be met.

Before anything else, you must focus on getting the best chiropractic care first. The Brost Clinic should be your prime choice here. With the help of our certified chiropractic professionals’ in Minnesota, your work injury will diminish in no time. Contact us today to get an appointment.

uneven shoulders chiropractor

Can A Chiropractor Fix Uneven Shoulders?

When the shoulders are not even, one looks higher than the other. It can happen due to a variety of structural or postural reasons. Things might become more complicated than they look. This condition may be painful, affect your posture, and be a sign of more serious musculoskeletal imbalances.

It is not unknown that chiropractic care is a great solution for pain-related issues. But can a chiropractor fix uneven shoulders? Yes, chiropractors can help by fixing subluxations or other issues with the spine that may be to blame.

In this article, we will look at how chiropractors do the job of fixing uneven shoulders. We will also discuss the causes, symptoms, and impact of the condition. Keep reading to learn more.

The Most Common Causes of Uneven Shoulders

A number of causes can be responsible for uneven shoulders. Before going deep into the solutions and impact, let’s discuss them for a better understanding.

  • Poor Posture

If your posture is bad, the difference in shoulder height between your right and left sides could be small or large.

Do not forget that bad posture can also cause rounded shoulders. This condition can make the muscles in the shoulder area tight and make the left shoulder lower than the right shoulder.

  • Scoliosis

Scoliosis is when the spine bends to the side. The spine naturally curves in different ways, and when seen from behind, the spine looks straight. Kids and teens with scoliosis develop spine curves that are not supposed to be there, such as an S- or C-shaped curve.

Scoliosis comes in two main types:

  1. Functional
  2. Structural

People who have structural scoliosis have bones that have changed shape to fit their position. On the other hand, bad posture can lead to functional scoliosis, but both can cause shoulders to be uneven.

  • Muscle Imbalances

If one muscle in a group is bigger, stronger, or different in any other way, it can throw off the balance of the muscles. Such an imbalance can make it hard to move or function normally.

Muscle imbalances can happen naturally or because of sports or other physical activities, bad posture, or other issues. Shoulder blades on the same side can be out of place if a shoulder muscle is not sitting right.

  • Nerve Damage

Damaged or sick nerves that control shoulder muscles can make one shoulder sit higher or lower than the other. This is especially true for cranial nerve XI.

Injuries or neurological conditions can damage nerves. Some of these conditions are:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Spina bifida
  • Spinal muscular atrophy
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • A pinched nerve
  • Lifestyle or Bad Habits

People who do not move around much are more likely to have uneven shoulders. You may also be at risk if you sleep on your side or in a bad position. Besides, if you hold your body in bad ways while you are awake, you can develop shoulder unevenness.

  • Other Causes

Apart from the above-mentioned ones, some other causes can also be the culprit behind an uneven shoulder, such as:

  • Shoulder joint or nearby muscle trauma or injury
  • Degenerative conditions, like arthritis, can cause changes in the shoulder joint
  • An unleveled pelvis

can a chiropractor fix uneven shoulders

Symptoms of Uneven Shoulders

We have already known that scoliosis can cause uneven shoulders. If scoliosis is the reason, then you can also encounter other signs, such as:

On the other hand, when your pelvis is not level, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Imbalanced walking
  • Muscle imbalances
  • Decreased back mobility
  • Lower back or hip pain

The Impact of Uneven Shoulders

Uneven shoulders can have a big effect on your appearance as well as your daily life and health as a whole. Let’s look at how it can impact you in the short-term as well as the long-term-

  • Short-term impact: The short-term impacts of this condition include
    • Localized pain
    • Discomfort that worsens during specific tasks, like desk jobs
    • A general feeling of imbalance that affects mood concentration and even leads to headaches or neck pain
  • Long-term impact: If you do not fix uneven shoulders, your posture will be worse, and your muscles and joints will be under more stress. This can lead to
    • Chronic pain conditions
    • An elevated possibility of developing arthritis in the affected area
    • A higher risk of injuries

How Can a Chiropractor Fix Uneven Shoulders?

Chiropractic care focuses on how the spine and nervous system work together to get things back in the right place.

Chiropractors realign the spine by making adjustments with their hands. They can fix subluxations or other problems with the spine that may be causing the shoulders to be uneven.

Here is a breakdown of the entire process:

  • Assessment and Diagnosis

Before making any adjustments, a chiropractor will carefully check out your shoulders to find out why they are not level. This assessment involves

  • Checking out your posture
  • Conducting spinal exams
  • Possibly sending you for an X-ray
  • Techniques

A chiropractor may use different techniques depending on the original problem, such as

  • Manual adjustments
  • Rehabilitation exercises
  • Muscle techniques
  • Postural advice

Different levels of spinal curvature can cause different structural problems, like scoliosis. A chiropractor might combine manual adjustments and rehabilitation exercises in such cases.

rounded shoulders chiropractor

Chiropractors will use a mix of manual adjustments to fix posture issues like leaning to one side. Alongside, they will give advice on posture, lifestyle, and exercises.

A chiropractor often includes stretches and exercises in their treatment plans. These exercises help the muscles around the shoulders and spine get stronger and more balanced.

Some of the exercises and stretches include:

  • Standing Row: The affected shoulder is extended while facing a resistance band looped on a stable fixture in this exercise. Keeping the back flat is a must.
  • Rotation Exercises: Circular motions help to maintain healthy shoulder function. Exercises involving rotations rectify uneven shoulders using bands attached to fixtures.
  • Shoulder Raises: It’s done by straightening back and keeping arms at standard pose. Then, the shoulders are taken to the ear and squeezed hard. This pose is held briefly and released.
  • Reverse Prayer Pose: As the name suggests, it’s done by putting palms behind the back and fingers facing down. Next, the chest and shoulders are straightened. Afterward, the joined hands are rotated to face the ceiling. This pose is held briefly before relaxing.
  • Cross-Arm Stretch: For this stretch, the affected arm is kept straight and crosses the body. Then, the palm from the unaffected side is used to pull the treatment side’s upper arm across the body. It’s released after 30 seconds.
  • Posture Education

Adjustments to how you sit, stand, and move can help chiropractic care work better to fix uneven shoulders. Hence, chiropractors will also help you maintain good posture while doing everyday things.

How to Sleep with Uneven Shoulders

If you have uneven shoulders, sleeping in an uncomfortable position can make the pain worse. So, it is very important to get enough rest while the scapular stabilizes. While you sleep, support the arm on the hurt side with a pillow, blanket, or towel.

Home Remedies to Fix Uneven Shoulders

Uneven shoulders can be a tricky issue and require immediate attention. Getting a highly professional and experienced chiropractor’s help is the best option.

Nevertheless, there are a few easy things you can try at home to make your shoulders even out. These methods usually work better when the issue is only with muscles or tissues (tension, injury, tendonitis, etc.) rather than bones. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Rest properly to loosen up tense muscles and knots that might be making things uneven.
  • Take a hot bath. It is a great way to ease the stress and tension that may come with uneven shoulders.
  • Use cold compresses and heating pads to reduce tension and inflammation. This makes it easier to work on muscles and promotes blood flow and healing.


Uneven shoulders can have a great impact on the overall well-being of a person. The causes of uneven shoulders include bad posture, nerve damage, scoliosis, etc. With chiropractic treatments, this painful situation can be easily fixed.

A chiropractor applies several adjustments to fix this after diagnosing the root cause. Several exercise and stretching techniques can also make the progression faster.

At The Brost Clinic, we make treating imbalanced shoulders simple with excellent chiropractors. The quality of our techniques is unmatched. If you or your loved one is suffering from the discomfort of an uneven shoulder, don’t wait any longer. Take an appointment today and let us help.

can a chiropractor help a pinched nerve in neck

How Can a Chiropractor Help a Pinched Nerve in Neck?

Pinched nerves in the neck can cause significant discomfort and impact overall well-being. It is a condition caused by pressure on the nerves, causing them to become narrowed or trapped in their paths.

Chiropractic care is known to provide relief from pain and several muscular discomforts. But the question is, can a chiropractor help a pinched nerve in neck? With their expertise in spinal health and nervous system function, chiropractors offer effective treatment for pinched nerves in the neck.

Chiropractic treatment for pinched nerves can provide immediate pain relief or long-term prevention. Want to know how? This article will discuss chiropractic treatments for relieving pinched nerve pain and enhancing mobility and function. So, keep up with us!

What is a Pinched Nerve?

Nerves serve as vital messengers within our bodies, transmitting signals from the brain to various destinations and back. When these long nerves become compressed or trapped along their paths, they can develop a condition known as a pinched nerve. This condition occurs when external pressure is applied to the nerve, compromising its functionality.

A pinched nerve typically arises due to excess pressure exerted by muscles, bones, tendons, or cartilage surrounding it. It can manifest in any joint of our body or anywhere in the spine; for example

  • Neck region: cervical spine
  • Upper-to-mid-back area: thoracic spine
  • Lower back region: lumbar spine

What Causes a Pinched Nerve in the Neck or Back?

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of an extensive network of nerves. It originates from the brain and spinal cord, extending throughout the body. These nerves pass through spaces between vertebrae to carry out their essential functions.

Within the PNS, there are two important pathways: motor and sensory. Pinched or trapped nerves can occur along these pathways, leading to discomfort and dysfunction.

Various structures in our body can cause compression or pinching of a nerve, including ligaments, muscles, bones, and intervertebral discs. Common causes of a pinched nerve in the neck or back include:

  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal stenosis (central or lateral)
  • Arthrosis
  • Strained muscle
  • Vertebral degeneration
  • Poor posture

It’s worth noting that fractures, tumors, or foreign bodies may also compress a nerve. Physical activities resulting in blunt force trauma and repetitive motions imposing stress on nerves can also be the culprits.

For better recovery chances, getting treatment right away is very important. Ignoring signs of nerve compression could significantly impact your health. Therefore, it is imperative to promptly consult with healthcare professionals for a thorough examination when experiencing such symptoms.

Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve

When a nerve becomes trapped or pinched, it disrupts the tricky network of our nervous system. The body relies on this complex system of nerves to transmit signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Nerves function like electrical wires, carrying vital information. When a nerve is affected, various symptoms may arise:

  • Sensation of pain
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle spasm
  • Loss of skin sensitivity
  • Pain along the path of a nerve
  • Difficulty with certain movements

These symptoms can significantly impact an individual’s daily life and well-being.

chiropractor fix a pinched nerve in your neck

How Do You Know If You Have a Pinched Nerve?

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s highly likely that a pinched nerve is the culprit. Some cases may resolve on their own without specific intervention. However, persistent symptoms warrant a visit to a chiropractor who specializes in the neuro-musculoskeletal system.

A thorough physical examination conducted by a chiropractor is essential during your initial consultation. This examination encompasses several components:

  • Postural evaluation
  • Range of motion assessment
  • Neurological testing
  • Orthopedic testing
  • Muscle and joint palpation

In certain circumstances, X-rays might be necessary to gather additional information.

What Are the Risk Factors for Developing a Pinched Nerve?

Several factors increase the risk of developing a pinched nerve.

  • Osteoarthritis, for instance, can lead to enlarged joints or bone spurs, which can cause pinched nerves.
  • Age, posture, body mass index, and hereditary factors can also contribute to the likelihood of experiencing a pinched nerve.
  • Overuse or repetitive motions involving the wrist or shoulder may result in nerve compression.
  • Spinal injuries can cause back pain due to a pinched nerve.

Why Should You Go To A Chiropractor for Pinched Nerve?

Seeking prompt chiropractic care for a pinched nerve is paramount, as it minimizes the risk of long-term damage. Early treatment not only relieves pain but also addresses the underlying root cause and restores normal nerve function.

Using medication for a pinched nerve can provide symptom relief. But chiropractic services offer more than that. They tackle musculoskeletal issues naturally by reducing inflammation, stress, and joint dysfunction.

Moreover, these treatments address secondary problems that may have developed due to compensatory muscle imbalances caused by the pinched nerve. You can take postural problems and altered biomechanics, for example. Chiropractic care will provide relief for these as well.

How Can A Chiropractor Help A Pinched Nerve in Neck?

Chiropractors will combine adjustments with massages and other physical therapy to ensure a comprehensive solution to pinched nerves. Let’s look at the complete procedure:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments play a crucial role in alleviating pain and addressing nerve issues associated with a pinched nerve. These adjustments, performed alongside other treatments, promote long-term improvement by targeting the root cause of your symptoms.

Various adjustment techniques may be employed by your chiropractor based on your specific condition, including:

  • Diversified adjustments: Gentle pressure and movements bring the spine into alignment.
  • Seated diversified adjustments: Manual manipulations done while sitting target neck and shoulder injuries.
  • Lumbar side posture adjustments: These are effective for lower back pain as the patient lies on their side.
  • Thompson Drop-table Technique: A special table that lowers force impact is used to gently adjust the spine with controlled thrusts.
  • Massage and Physical Therapy

When it comes to addressing pinched nerves, chiropractors understand that spine and musculoskeletal issues have far-reaching effects throughout the body. That’s why comprehensive care may include physiotherapy services as part of your treatment plan.

Physiotherapy is essential for managing symptoms and restoring strength following a nerve injury. The goal is to prevent further injuries when you return to daily activities by promoting overall health and well-being.

Your personalized plan for a pinched nerve might encompass various therapies, such as

To promote long-lasting relief, taking an active role in your healing journey is essential. Your chiropractor may recommend at-home exercises, stretches, and posture correction techniques. By teaching you how to properly align your spine, these targeted interventions build on the changes that were made during your sessions.

Devoting just twenty minutes a day to using a posture-correcting pillow can have remarkable benefits for retraining your spine. Strengthening and stretching exercises are parts of comprehensive care, and these can reduce injury risk and improve flexibility and health.

fix pinched nerve in neck

Important Reasons Why Chiropractic Is the Best Treatment for Pinched Nerve Pain

Chiropractic treatment emerges as the optimal choice for individuals seeking relief from pinched nerve pain. Chiropractors know how the nervous system works. They are capable of finding and treating pinched nerves.

Chiropractors can identify affected nerves and make targeted adjustments to relieve pain after reviewing your medical history and physical exam. Pain medications merely mask symptoms temporarily. But chiropractic care addresses the root cause of the issue by utilizing spinal manipulation to relieve compression on the nerve.

In addition to adjustments, chiropractors may incorporate elements of physical therapy into their treatment approach. Strengthening exercises that target weak muscles are an important part of getting back to full functionality.

Furthermore, lifestyle modifications such as posture correction or ergonomic recommendations may be suggested to prevent future injuries and maintain overall well-being. Such suggestions stand apart when it comes to treating pinched nerves.

Another distinguishing feature of chiropractic care is its emphasis on prevention. Chiropractors develop comprehensive plans to strengthen joints, reduce future risks, and improve resilience by identifying areas of vulnerability to pinched nerve injuries.

Additionally, chiropractors have an astute ability to recognize potential red flags indicating serious underlying issues. In these instances, chiropractors promptly refer patients to appropriate specialists for further assessment and intervention.


Q. What’s Better for a Pinched Nerve, Physical Therapy or Chiropractor?

Ans. Physiotherapy uses exercises, heat and cold therapy, and different mixes of these to help people get better over time. On the other hand, chiropractic care works on and adjusts the spinal cord to take pressure off of it. Each one is good for pinched nerves in its own way.

After thinking about all the options, the doctor will look at the patient’s condition and suggest the best course of action.

Q. How Long Does a Pinched Nerve Take To Heal?

Ans. It is possible to treat and heal a pinched nerve in about a month. However, the person’s medical condition and the treatment plan basically determine the timeline. Patients can heal a little faster with chiropractic care if they can get help and care right away.


Chiropractors offer effective solutions for those seeking relief from pinched nerve pain in the neck. Through their expertise in understanding the nervous system and conducting targeted adjustments, they can alleviate discomfort and promote optimal healing.

At The Brost Clinic, we pride ourselves on delivering compassionate Chiropractic care. We use advanced techniques to address pinched nerves and improve overall well-being. Our skilled chiropractors can create customized treatment plans that address the root causes of your symptoms. Experience relief and enhanced quality of life by choosing The Brost Clinic for your chiropractic needs.

can a chiropractor fix a hiatal hernia

Can a Chiropractor Fix a Hiatal Hernia? Know the Truth

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach sticks out through the diaphragm, causing discomfort and digestive issues. There are different solutions for such problems – invasive and non-invasive. We talk about chiropractic being an extremely helpful natural treatment option for many bodily issues. But can a chiropractor fix a hiatal hernia?

Yes, chiropractors can use adjustments to provide relief from hiatal hernia symptoms like acid reflux and chest pain. Such adjustments aim to realign the stomach and diaphragm.

The purpose of this article is to explore how chiropractic care can be an effective, hassle-free treatment option for hiatal hernias. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is a Hiatal Hernia?

A hiatal hernia occurs when a part of your stomach pushes up through the muscle that separates your abdomen from your diaphragm. This small opening in the diaphragm is normally responsible for allowing food to pass from your mouth to your stomach. However, in the case of a hiatal hernia, the stomach extends through that opening.

While smaller hernias may go unnoticed, larger ones can cause discomfort. They can lead to the backflow of food and stomach acid into the esophagus. The esophagus is a straight, muscular tube that moves food from the throat to the stomach. When food and acid backflow into it, it can result in symptoms like heartburn and chest pain.

There are two major kinds of hiatal hernias:

  1. Sliding
  2. Paraesophageal

In a sliding hernia, a portion of the stomach moves upward. Conversely, in a paraesophageal hernia, another abdominal organ moves into the chest cavity.

Causes of Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernias can occur due to various factors, although the exact cause is not always clear-cut. While weakened tissue is often responsible for allowing the stomach to bulge into the diaphragm, certain other factors play a significant role.

  • Age-related changes: As we age, the strength of the diaphragm may diminish, increasing the risk of a hiatal hernia.
  • Digestive system injuries: Trauma, surgery, or illness affecting the digestive system can weaken the tissues and contribute to the development of a hiatal hernia.
  • Congenital factors: Some individuals are born with an oversized hiatus, making them more susceptible to hiatal hernias.
  • Chronic pressure: Conditions such as chronic coughing, vomiting, or straining during bowel movements can exert persistent pressure on the muscles surrounding the hiatus.
  • Heavy lifting or exercise: Straining during physical activities, particularly weightlifting or intense exercise, can contribute to the formation of a hiatal hernia.
  • Pregnancy: The changes in the abdominal cavity during pregnancy can increase the likelihood of developing a hiatal hernia.

The most common risk factors for hiatal hernias are being overweight, smoking, and aging. However, anyone can get this condition.

Symptoms of A Hiatal Hernia

There are many signs of a hiatal hernia, but heartburn is the most common and often severe one. Other symptoms include:

  • Food or liquid regurgitation into the mouth
  • Difficulties with swallowing
  • Acid reflux, where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus
  • Chest or abdominal pain
  • Feeling full quickly with a small amount of food
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting blood
  • Passage of black stool due to gastrointestinal bleeding

can a chiropractor help a hiatal hernia

Most Common Treatment Options For A Hiatal Hernia

When it comes to treating a hiatal hernia, several options are available to alleviate symptoms and pain. From lifestyle changes to medical interventions, let’s explore the most common treatment options.

  • Lifestyle Changes

Implementing lifestyle changes is crucial for hiatal hernia patients, not only to manage symptoms but also to prevent their progression. Consider the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Quit smoking to reduce stomach acidity and lower the risk of complications.
  • Sleep with your head in an elevated position. Keep your head approximately 6 inches higher than your abdomen to minimize acid reflux during the night.
  • Avoid foods that increase stomach acidity, such as tomato sauce, alcohol, and chocolate.
  • Refrain from eating late at night or indulging in midnight snacks.
  • Aim to lose weight if you’re overweight. Excess weight can put pressure on the abdomen.
  • Dietary Carefulness

Being mindful of your diet is crucial for managing hiatal hernia symptoms. Certain foods can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter and trigger discomfort.

While addressing the underlying cause is important, knowing what to avoid during your recovery can make a significant difference. Carefully consider these potential trigger foods:

  • Citrus fruits and juices like lemons, grapefruits, and oranges
  • Fried and fatty foods
  • Garlic and onions
  • Peppermint and spearmint
  • Tomato-based foods
  • Coffee, tea, and alcohol
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Dairy products
  • Oils and butter
  • Spicy foods
  • Medications

Chiropractic care, being a natural treatment option, is preferable. It doesn’t have any side effects and is highly effective.

Nevertheless, it’s worth mentioning that medical doctors may prescribe medications to alleviate hiatal hernia symptoms if required. Remember, medication should be approached under professional supervision.

  • Surgery

In severe cases, doctors may recommend surgery as the best treatment for hiatal hernias. The surgical procedure aims to repair the diaphragm opening and remove the hernia sac. It’s important to consult your medical doctor for detailed advice on the surgical option and to understand the potential long-term success.

However, it’s essential to note that surgery is not a cure, and lifestyle changes will still be necessary even after opting for surgery.

can a chiropractor help with hiatal hernia

How Can a Chiropractor Fix a Hiatal Hernia?

Chiropractic care offers an innovative and effective approach to treating hiatal hernias, going beyond traditional spinal adjustments. By focusing on the musculoskeletal system as a whole, chiropractors can provide relief for such digestive issues.

  • Gentle Manual Adjustments to Restore Balance

One of the primary techniques used by chiropractors is manual adjustment to correct hiatal hernias. Through this procedure, known as the hiatal hernia technique, they gently guide the stomach back below the diaphragm. Patients may be positioned standing up or reclined on a treatment table during this process.

Discomfort may occur during these adjustments due to the repositioning of sensitive tissues. Yet, most patients experience immediate relief as the pressure and pain begin to ease up following an adjustment. It allows for fuller breaths and increased comfort.

  • Comprehensive Approach To Strengthen Digestive Muscles

In addition to manual adjustments specific to hiatal hernias, chiropractors employ various techniques that support overall muscle function in your digestive system. Here are a few examples:

  • Identifying Misalignments: Chiropractors identify misalignments in surrounding areas that might trigger inflammation or tension, contributing further to spasm-related complications.
  • Diaphragmatic Release: This adjustment reduces tension within your diaphragm muscles while alleviating spasms that contribute to discomfort.
  • Neck and Back Adjustments: Manipulating nerves connected to your diaphragm through neck and back adjustments indirectly addresses the underlying causes of reflux symptoms.

Doctors at Johns Hopkins University say that being around stomach acid over and over again raises the risk of esophageal cancer. It can also cause dental erosion linked to tooth enamel damage. Utilizing the above-mentioned targeted approaches helps relieve existing symptoms. It also prevents potential long-term risks associated with untreated acid exposure.

  • Massage Therapy For Hiatal Hernias

Chiropractors also teach their patients how to massage themselves, which is a good way to treat a hiatal hernia at home. Such massage therapy offers even more relief.

To treat a hiatal hernia with massage, do the following:

  • Find the breastbone.
  • Put the tips of your fingers just below the base of your breastbone, about an inch down.
  • Press in three different ways: up, in, and down.
  • Do this three or more times a day for one minute each time.


Treating hiatal hernias with chiropractic care is a safe and effective option. Using targeted techniques and soft manual manipulations, chiropractors can help move the stomach and ease this condition. However, it is important to consult healthcare professionals for personalized diagnosis and treatment plans for individual needs.

For residents in Minnesota looking for high-quality chiropractic care, The Brost Clinic offers comprehensive services. Our services are aimed at promoting optimum health for individuals of all ages. Our dedicated team of experienced chiropractors is ready to provide the highest level of care to help you find relief from your hiatal hernia symptoms. Contact us today to book an appointment.

benefits of infant chiropractic

Essential Benefits of Infant Chiropractic You Need to Know

Navigating early childhood health can be daunting, especially with the fragility of infants just after birth. From spinal irregularities to immature digestive systems, infants endure delicate challenges. Enter the world of infant chiropractic care, a realm of gentle adjustments known for a host of benefits. This safe practice, affirmed by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), is not exclusive to adults. It offers newborns relief from common ailments such as ear infections and colic.

This article sheds light on the essential benefits of infant chiropractic and its profound impact on your child’s developmental milestones. Understanding this care is crucial for parents seeking proactive health measures for their little ones.

How Do You Tell if Your Child Needs Chiropractic Care?

A pediatric chiropractor is trained to provide gentle care for your baby and can help ensure their overall health and wellness. If you see any of these signs, consider a visit to a family chiropractic center to help your baby. Each point is a potential reason your child might benefit from pediatric chiropractic care. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help address these issues.

  • Look for Posture Changes: Notice if your child often tilts their head. Do they lean while sitting or standing?
  • Check for Discomfort: Is your child fussy or irritable? Pay attention after they play or move around.
  • Monitor Sleep Patterns: Trouble sleeping or restlessness at night might be a sign.
  • Recurring Health Concerns: Ear infections, digestive issues, or constant health problems are clues.
  • Breastfeeding Troubles: For infants, breastfeeding difficulties suggest something’s not right.
  • Behavior and Sensory Responses: Observe any new agitation or sensory oversensitivity.

How Can Chiropractic Care Benefit Your Infant?

Your baby’s health can undeniably get better because of care from a chiropractor who knows how to move parts of the body just so. It’s done with soft pushes that are not dangerous, almost like a light rub. These pushes are gentle, just like when someone is figuring out if a tomato is ready to eat.

These adjustments aim to align the baby’s spine. A well-aligned spine supports a healthy nervous system. This can help with breastfeeding success. It can ease digestive issues, such as reflux. It can even lessen colic and constipation.

Besides, a well-aligned spine means a properly functioning nervous system that lets infants eat, sleep, and grow well. It helps avoid sleep disturbances and fussiness. It sets the stage for your baby’s optimal development.

Your baby can get a lot of good from seeing an infant chiropractor. This kind of help looks at every part of your little one’s wellness, but it is never done just to fix a problem for a little while. To keep your baby healthy for life, it should be a big part of your early care.

pediatric chiropractic benefits

Understanding the Physiology of Infants

Infant physiology is fascinating and complex. Their tiny bodies are amazingly tough. Yet, they are constantly evolving. Especially their spine and nervous system.

The baby’s spine starts small and curled. It grows straight to support movement as they roll, crawl, and take their first steps. Their spine is the foundation for all these milestones.

This spine safeguards the vital nervous system. It’s the control hub for the body. It affects giggles, cries, and first words. The nervous system is key to every action.

Newborns and infants need a strong nervous system. It drives their physical and cognitive growth. Regular chiropractic adjustments support this. They ensure a well-aligned spine for your baby.

The spine must be well taken care of. It helps your child stay happy and energetic. So, taking them to a chiropractor is good planning. It keeps them from getting ill later by ensuring a well-functioning spine.

11 Benefits of Infant Chiropractic Care

Even tiny babies can get help from a chiropractor. While adults have often used this care, people don’t always know it’s good for babies too. With careful tweaks done by the chiropractor, without a doubt, your baby could end up giggling and kicking with joy. Strong health becomes theirs, just like that. With babies being kept safe and healthy in chiropractors’ skilled hands, why not look into it?

  • Soothing After-Birth Stress

Birth is an intense experience for a new baby. The adjustment to life outside is huge. Chiropractic care can ease this transition. Gentle spinal adjustments promote comfort right from the start. They help correct any misalignments from the birthing process. A newborn’s early discomfort can thus be relieved, setting a healthy foundation for growth.

  • Encouraging Proper Spinal Growth

The spine’s growth in the early years is astounding. It doubles in length, supporting vital activities. Crawling, walking, etc., rely on a well-aligned spine. Pediatric chiropractors provide essential care here. They ensure your baby’s spine stays aligned during these growth spurts. Proper spinal care during infancy supports lifelong posture and balance.

  • Comfort from Colic’s Clutches

Colic can be a mystery, but its effects are all too real. Crying spells and fussiness of a baby can be overwhelming. Chiropractic adjustments might hold answers. They aim to relax the nervous system, possibly easing digestive discomforts linked to colic. Some parents see a noticeable drop in colic episodes with chiropractic care. It offers a natural option for soothing your baby’s distress.

  • Fostering Better Sleep Habits

Sleepless nights are common in infancy. But chiropractic care can be a game-changer. Misalignments may disrupt sleep. Chiropractors gently correct these, potentially settling sleep patterns. The result? Restful nights for babies and parents. It shows how spinal health is linked to sound sleep.

  • Boosting the Body’s Defenses

A baby’s immune system is their shield against sickness. It needs all the support it can get. Chiropractic adjustments can help here, too. They assist in perfecting nervous system functions. This enhances the immune response. A robust immune system defends your child from germs they meet daily.

  • Relieving Tummy Troubles

Digestive discomfort is tough on infants. The answer may lie in chiropractic care. It seeks to optimize nervous system function, affecting digestion. A realigned spine can ease gut distress. This approach may reduce symptoms of spit-up and reflux. Gentle chiropractic care often brings relief to little tummies and worried families.

  • Helping With Feeding Frustrations

A special connection is made when a mom feeds her baby from her own body. Sometimes doing this can be hard, though. When babies feel better after being moved gently by a chiropractor, they can eat more easily. If a baby is calm, it eats better, which helps both the little one and the mom. During the important time when a mom feeds her baby this way, both are helped.

  • Diminishing Ear Pain and Infection

Ear infections are common but painful for infants. A misaligned spine could worsen the issue. Chiropractors can address these to aid in fluid drainage from the ears. Thus, chiropractic treatments may decrease ear infections. Parents report relief for their little ones after chiropractic visits. It’s another pathway to comfort for tiny ears.

  • Nurturing Brain and Body Connections

Neurological development is a cornerstone of childhood growth. It’s about reaching milestones with ease. A healthy nervous system is essential here. Chiropractic care can help to ensure optimal nerve function. This optimization support helps little ones develop skills like smiling and sitting up. Regular adjustments lay the groundwork for these cherished moments of growth.

  • Easing Behavioral Challenges

Behavioral disorders present complex issues. A well-functioning nervous system could be a key factor. Chiropractic adjustments target the spinal-nervous system connection. This targeting may positively influence behavior. Parents notice changes in ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms and other behaviors after chiropractic care. Thus, chiropractic visits could bring calm to the chaos.

  • Lending a Hand to Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Autism and SPD (sensory processing disorder) can make the world overwhelming for a child. The right care is crucial. Chiropractic care adjusts the nervous system, which processes sensory information. This gentle, non-invasive approach may bring comfort to those with autism or SPD. It supports their unique needs sensitively and effectively.

safety of chiropractic care

Safety of Chiropractic Care for Infants

As parents, we prioritize our infant’s safety above all else. When considering chiropractic care for infants, we ensure safety is at the forefront. Parents often ask about the safety of chiropractic care for their little ones. Infant chiropractic care is quite different from adult chiropractic care. It’s specifically designed to be gentle and safe for infants’ delicate systems.

The little bodies of kids that are still growing are considered carefully. Gentle manipulations are made to them during the care babies get from chiropractors. Helping the brain and nerve wires work at their best is what’s hoped for from those changes. When it comes to the health of a little one, that’s a help.

The doers, however, are not usual chiropractors. They have learned special ways to make sure they take care of little kids without harm.

Such chiropractors often hold certifications in pediatric care. A notable one comes from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). This training covers precise techniques suitable for infants. Parents can take comfort knowing these professionals are skilled in safe, specialized care.

Indeed, baby chiropractic treatments are mild and tailored. They suit your child’s growth and health needs. With expert care, chiropractic can be a safe part of your infant’s healthcare regimen. Always choose a practitioner with the proper credentials and experience, ensuring the safest care for your child’s chiropractic needs.

Final Thoughts

Infant chiropractic care offers a variety of essential benefits. From nurturing spinal health to improving sleep and bolstering immune systems, gentle chiropractic adjustments support your baby’s well-being. Alleviating colic, aiding digestion, and assisting in developmental milestones are more reasons to consider this care.

At The Brost Clinic, we understand the unique needs of your little ones. Our specialized approach ensures your infant receives safe, effective chiropractic care. Trust us to provide the best support for your baby’s health and development. We’re dedicated to optimizing your child’s wellness from the start. Join the many families who have seen the benefits of chiropractic care provided by us for their infants. Let us be part of your journey toward nurturing a healthy, happy baby.

autism and chiropractic care

Autism and Chiropractic Care: Everything You Need to Know

Autism touches a small number of kids, impacting lives deeply, and as a parent, the search for symptom relief is ongoing. Chiropractic care has become a beacon of hope in this regard, bringing fresh possibilities. Case studies have shown that after 15 chiropractic sessions, there were notable improvements in a 4-year-old boy. Speech and language rose by 8%. Social behavior and sensory-cognitive function both jumped by 50%. Health and behavior saw a 4% uplift. Hence, it’s clear that chiropractic care can be a part of the solution.

This guide dives into autism and chiropractic care, revealing how it might help. Let’s explore how it helps those with autism.

What is Autism?

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a brain-related difference. People with autism often find socializing hard. They might repeat actions and like certain topics a lot.

Autism is unique for everyone. Some people need a lot of help. Others do not. The “spectrum” part means a lot of different symptoms and strengths. Some folks with ASD might talk and learn fast. Others might not talk much or at all. Back then, we had different names for ASD types. Now, it’s just one big category.

No cure exists for autism. But the right support early on can help a lot. It can improve how someone with autism learns and grows. Everyone’s experience with autism is different. Understanding is key.

What Causes Autism?

The truth is – the causes of autism are not fully understood. Experts are researching it daily. Some think autism starts with genes. Others blame environmental toxins during pregnancy. It could be both factors or other external factors.

The brain and nervous system are central to autism. Since these are crucial, care focused on them is essential. Many find that the right kind of help really improves life for people with autism.

One common observation is that kids diagnosed with autism often have tummy troubles. Could digestive system bacterial imbalances be involved? This puzzle piece still needs to be figured out.

Parents usually try different diets to help their kids. They cut out carbs, gluten, dairy, or sugar. Many report that, somehow, these changes make things a bit better. But the effectiveness of these methods are still uncertain..

Lots of kids with autism have trouble talking, and some, about one-third, never learn to talk at all. This condition is called Apraxia, which makes learning to speak really hard or even impossible. But not being able to talk doesn’t mean they aren’t smart.

Around 31 percent of people with autism have trouble with thinking and learning. Surprisingly, an even bigger group, up to 44 percent, has a higher-than-average IQ. Many people with autism, even those who can’t talk, have found ways to communicate using modern technology.

chiropractic care autism

Common Signs of Autism

By 6 months of age, most parents notice changes in their children that might point toward autism. Common signs of autism are given in the following table:

Social Communication and Interaction Skills Restricted or Repetitive Behaviors or Interests Other Characteristics
Avoids or doesn’t maintain eye contact Lines up toys and becomes upset with changes in order Delayed language skills
Does not respond to names by 9 months of age Repeats words or phrases (echolalia) Delayed movement skills
Lacks facial expressions by 9 months Plays with toys the same way every time Delayed cognitive and learning skills
Doesn’t engage in simple interactive games by 12 months Focuses on specific parts of objects (e.g., wheels) Hyperactive, impulsive, and/or inattentive behavior
Uses few or no gestures by 12 months Gets upset by minor changes Epilepsy or seizure disorder
Does not share interests with others by 15 months Has obsessive interests Unusual eating and sleeping habits
Doesn’t point to showing something interesting by 18 months Must follow certain routines Gastrointestinal issues (e.g., constipation)
Does not catch when others are hurt or upset by 24 months Engages in repetitive body movements (flapping hands, etc.) Unusual mood or emotional reactions
Does not notice other children and join them in play by 36 months Has unusual reactions to sensory stimuli Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry
Does not pretend to be something else (e.g., teacher or superhero) during play by 48 months Lack of fear or heightened fear

What Is Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic treatment is a hands-on healing art. Trained pros, known as chiropractors, perform it. They use swift, precise force to adjust your spine. This can help your body work better.

Chiropractic care isn’t just for backs. It can ease neck, muscle, and headache pains too. It’s about your whole musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

When you get adjusted, the chiropractor gets you positioned just right. Often, you’ll lie down on a special table for this. With a firm, quick move, the chiropractor shifts your joints. This might make a pop sound. That’s normal.

Many find relief from back pain with chiropractic care. Studies show it helps about as much as standard treatments. It can also be good for neck pain and headaches.

It’s key to see a pro for this. When done right, it’s safe. Serious side effects are rare. If you don’t get better after a few weeks, it might not be right for you.

Can a Chiropractor Help with Autism?

Could a chiropractor make a difference for autism? Definitely. Chiropractors aren’t just for adults. They can also help kids with autism. These kids often have sensory and digestive troubles. They may not be able to sleep well, either. Many parents want to skip medications. That’s where chiropractic comes in.

With gentle movements, a chiropractor can realign a child’s spine. This realignment can ease the nervous system. That means less neck and back pain for the child. Better sleep can follow. Even headaches and tummy issues can improve.

For a kid with autism, having a body that moves easily is a big deal. Chiropractic care can boost mobility and flexibility. It helps their nervous system work better, too. The benefits are clear. Chiropractic could offer some relief for kids with autism.

autism chiropractic benefits

Autism And Chiropractic Care: 4 Key Benefits

There are four key ways chiropractic care can benefit kids suffering from autism. It’s not just about easing pain. It can truly enhance daily living for those with autism. Let’s look closer at these life-changing benefits.

  • Allows Early Intervention

Early intervention makes a big difference for autism. The sooner you start, the better for the child. Recognize signs early, then get the right support. Autism isn’t curable, but early care improves outcomes.

Chiropractic care is one of the steps when it comes to early intervention. It’s safe, even for newborns. It helps kids with autism live better and sooner. Starting chiropractic care early can set the stage for positive advancements. It helps the child’s nervous system as they grow.

  • Quality of Life Can Improve

Improving quality of life is crucial for those with autism. Autism stays for life, but care can boost living standards. Chiropractic care serves as a valuable intervention. It can start very early, right after birth.

Chiropractors can improve life experiences for those on the spectrum. With consistent care, their bodies and minds can function smoother. This smoothness leads to greater comfort and participation in life. Children with autism grow with more ease and joy. Besides, chiropractic care is safe and can spark significant life changes. It helps these children unlock their full potential for a fulfilling life.

  • It boosts immunity

Chiropractic boosts immunity for those with autism. Why does this matter? A strong immune system fights off sickness better. Spinal misalignments can hinder nerve function. This impacts immune strength.

Thankfully, chiropractors adjust spines gently. This removes blocks in nerve pathways. Afterwards, the brain and the body are able to communicate effectively. This talk helps the body ward off illnesses better. So, chiropractic care isn’t just for pain. It also keeps those with autism healthier. With better immune function, they can enjoy more of life. This care is part of a whole health approach for autism.

  • It Can Improve Many Issues

Chiropractic care can tackle various autism issues. Speech delays? Chiropractic may help. Social skills not strong? It offers benefits in this regard. Behavior concerns? Chiropractic care addresses these, too.

The spine links to the brain via nerves. A healthier spine means a sharper brain. This sharpness can aid in language skills and social interactions. Better spine health also helps behavior. It’s all connected.

How Long Before Results Show?

Results from chiropractic vary for autism. Some children improve quickly after one session. For others, benefits take about a month. Yet, some notice changes in just two weeks. Every child’s journey is unique. Patience is key, as progress can unfold at different rates.

Final Thoughts

Chiropractic care presents a supportive role for autism. It offers early intervention and can improve the overall quality of life. Immunity gets a boost, and various autism-related issues can improve. The results may vary, but the benefits are clear.

At The Brost Clinic, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with autism. Our goal is to provide compassionate, effective chiropractic treatments. We’re here to enhance the well-being of everyone who walks through our doors.

We stand ready to support families from Plymouth, Minnetonka, and beyond. Together, we can work toward better health and brighter futures for those on the autism spectrum.

art chiropractic therapy

Everything You Need to Know About ART Chiropractic Therapy

ART stands for Active Release Technique – a specialized form of soft-tissue treatment. It’s not just used by chiropractors but by other healthcare professionals, too.

The primary focus of traditional chiropractic therapy is on spinal adjustments. On the other hand, ART targets the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves throughout the body. This unique approach combines examination and treatment protocols specific to each patient’s needs.

If you know how this distinctive method is different from standard ones, you can better understand how it might help with natural healing without using invasive treatments or medications. So, let’s keep reading!

What is ART Chiropractic Therapy?

ART, short for Active Release Techniques Soft Tissue treatment, is a specialized form of therapy that targets specific soft tissue structures in the body. It involves applying calculated amounts of pressure to affected areas by trained professionals.

So, what affected areas are we talking about? Scientific evidence shows that muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues can develop adhesions due to injuries like acute trauma or chronic conditions. These adhesions can lead to altered motion of muscles and joints. This situation results in symptoms such as pain, weakness, limited mobility, and even numbness and tingling sensations.

During ART sessions, trained healthcare professionals use over 500 specific moves tailored to each patient’s needs. It’s effective in treating problems with muscles and joints.

What Conditions Can Be Treated By ART?

ART chiropractic therapy is incredibly versatile and can effectively address a wide range of conditions. Some common issues that ART can help treat include:

  • Lower back pain or discomfort in the upper back.
  • Stiff neck, cervical spine problems, or even whiplash injuries resulting from car accidents.
  • Conditions like tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow.
  • Rotator cuff strains, shoulder impingement syndrome, and nerve entrapments leading to numbness and tingling.
  • Knee and leg pains stemming from muscular imbalances.
  • Reduced mobility due to scar tissue adhesions.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

chiropractic art therapy

What Body Parts Are Treated By Chiropractic ART Therapy?

ART chiropractic therapy is effective in treating different body parts affected by injury or damage. The technique can help relieve pain and other symptoms related to:

  1. Fascia: ART targets the fibrous connective tissue known as fascia. It surrounds muscles and organs in your body. Inflammation within the fascial band can cause stiffness and severe pain. For example, conditions like plantar fasciitis are common issues addressed through ART.
  2. Major Muscle Groups: Overuse or trauma may result in strains and pulls that impact major muscle groups. These muscle groups can be found in the neck, shoulders, back, hamstrings, and more.
  3. Tendons and Ligaments: Tendons connect muscles to bones, and ligaments connect bone to bone. Injuries to these body parts often lead to decreased range of motion and discomfort. Chiropractors target these specific areas with precise techniques during an ART session.

How Does ART Work?

ART chiropractic therapy works by targeting and breaking up adhesions. Adhesions are accumulations of dense scar tissues that form when muscles and connective tissues are injured or overused. These adhesions can restrict movement, leading to pain, stiffness, and even nerve entrapment.

At first, the practitioner uses their hands to evaluate the surface and situation of affected areas. Then, they apply precisely directed tension through specific movements. This way, the professional can identify and correct the specific problems impacting your range of motion.

Blood flow is restored by manipulating these scar tissues using a combination of evaluation and treatment techniques unique to ART therapy. This improves healing while enhancing muscle, joint, and nerve flexibility for a more natural approach to rehabilitation.

What Are the Benefits of ART?

As a unique soft tissue treatment technique, ART brings benefits beyond just pain relief. ART therapy works like magic when it comes to improving movement and treating joint conditions to addressing scar tissue buildup! Let’s explore all the major advantages:

  • Helps With Movement

ART chiropractic therapy is an excellent choice for improving movement. We have learned that ART works by targeting specific muscles and soft tissues, eventually loosening tight areas and increasing flexibility. This can be especially beneficial for individuals recovering from surgery or those who have experienced limited mobility due to certain conditions.

For instance, after knee surgery, you have been immobilized with a cast for several weeks. When the cast is removed, you may notice scar tissue formed around the joint area, leading to stiffness and a restricted range of motion. Through tailored ART sessions, you can gradually regain the ability to move freely without discomfort or limitations.

  • Treats Joint Conditions

ART is not like traditional chiropractic treatment. Instead of focusing on spinal adjustments, a professional would work on the muscles surrounding the joints. This makes it easier to address issues within the joints themselves.

For example, an individual suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome may find comfort through ART therapy. The practitioner targets and releases tension in the muscles and connective tissues of the wrist and hand. With that, this specialized treatment can eliminate symptoms like numbness, tingling sensations, and tightness related to carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Cleans Out Scar Tissues

Our bodies naturally produce scar tissue as part of the repair process when there is an injury or trauma to a specific area. However, over time, this scar tissue can accumulate and cause so much discomfort that it becomes difficult to move that body part.

Through ART sessions, skilled practitioners can precisely work on the affected areas and break down dense scar tissues that have formed. This technique essentially cleans out our muscles, providing relief from pain and restoring proper function.

  • Improved Recovery Time

One of the notable benefits of ART chiropractic therapy is its ability to reduce recovery time. Unlike invasive procedures, ART focuses on non-intrusive methods that promote faster healing. This makes it particularly valuable for athletes who need to get back in the game as soon as possible.

Let’s say a professional tennis player sprains their wrist during a match. A surgery or cast will definitely keep them away from the field for a great period of time. But specifically designed ART sessions can help in swift healing so they can start training earlier.

  • Additional Benefits Other Than Pain Relief

While pain relief is a crucial aspect of ART chiropractic therapy, there are additional benefits that make this treatment approach even more valuable. With ART, they focus on the larger rehabilitation process and offer patients tools for long-term pain prevention.

There’s a lot to learn from patient education and customized treatment plans. You can apply some techniques to maintain an optimal range of motion in your daily life. This will empower you to continue living a pain-free life even after you’ve completed the ART sessions.

art therapy chiropractic

What Are the Differences Between ART and Traditional Chiropractic Therapy?

Traditional chiropractic care and ART both aim to treat similar conditions. But the key distinction lies in their approaches. Let’s explore the fundamental differences between these two natural treatment procedures:

  • ART focuses on treating soft tissue using massage-like movements, while traditional chiropractic therapy primarily uses spinal adjustments. Soft tissue is often the source of pain, inflammation, and restricted movement. It cannot be treated solely through adjustments.
  • ART targets the root cause in soft tissues like muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. So, this technique provides more profound relief for conditions caused by inflammation or overuse.
  • Traditional chiropractic treatment focuses mainly on joint dysfunction or misalignment. Whereas, ART treats a wider range of conditions, including post-surgical pain and muscle tenderness.

ART complements conventional chiropractic treatment. Combining both practices provides a holistic approach to addressing various musculoskeletal issues effectively.

What Are Some Common Signs of Scar Tissue Accumulation?

If you suspect that scar tissue has built up in your body, watch out for these common signs:

  • Stiffness in areas such as the neck, elbows, hands, knees or back
  • Increased pain during exercise or physical activity
  • Sharp pain experienced at the bottom of your foot near the heel (a possible sign of plantar fasciitis)
  • Numbness and tingling sensations in your fingers
  • Reduced flexibility and limited range of motion
  • Decreased strength

These are just a few examples. Any inflammation or discomfort you experience could be related to scar tissue accumulation.

Be sure to consult with an ART chiropractor who can identify and address these specific issues. The sooner you understand these signs in your body, the better chance there is for effective recovery!

Final Thoughts

ART chiropractic therapy is a revolutionary approach to natural healthcare. A wide range of soft tissue conditions can be effectively addressed and treated with ART. With an experienced and trained professional, you can take charge of your health and experience the benefits of active release therapy today!

The Brost Clinic, located in Minnesota, USA, specializes in providing expert ART treatments. If you’re looking for pain relief or improved mobility without relying on invasive procedures or medications, consider scheduling an appointment with our skilled chiropractors.

Don’t let joint discomfort hold you back from living life to its fullest potential. Call us today and learn more about how we can help restore your well-being through advanced techniques like ART chiropractic therapy.

are chiropractic adjustments safe

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe? Facts You Need to Know

Are you tired of relying on medications or invasive procedures for your health concerns? The struggle can be hard, particularly with the chronic pain in your back or neck. The good news is that natural treatment options like chiropractic care have been gaining popularity and proving their effectiveness. But you may want to know – are chiropractic adjustments safe?

The short answer is yes—chiropractic adjustments are one of the safest forms of healthcare available today. The misalignments in our spine can cause a wide range of issues beyond just physical discomfort. By restoring proper alignment through gentle manipulations, chiropractors aim not only for symptom relief but also for overall improvement in bodily functions.

Throughout this informative piece, we will be exploring the answers to all the important questions related to chiropractic treatment. In the end, we hope that you get the idea of why people are interested in this amazing natural care procedure and why it’s a viable option for musculoskeletal pain treatment.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is a therapeutic treatment performed by a licensed chiropractor. During this procedure, the chiropractor uses their hands or special instruments to carefully manipulate the joints in your body. That’s why the technique is also known as spinal manipulation or joint manipulation. The process helps reduce pain and discomfort and, at the same time, improve the alignment and physical function of your body.

Chiropractic adjustments serve as a complementary treatment option alongside traditional medical care. They offer natural relief from back pain, neck pain, or arthritis pain without relying solely on medicines or surgeries.

Who is a Chiropractor?

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specializes in treating conditions related to the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. They are like doctors for muscle, bone, or joint pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic adjustments can effectively target common issues such as lower back pain, neck pain, muscle pain, and headaches.

Not only that—chiropractors have the expertise to address musculoskeletal discomfort in any part of your body. These include- head and jaws, shoulders, elbows and wrists, hips and pelvis, knees and ankles. So whether it’s a chronic ache troubling you or an injury that needs attention, a skilled chiropractor can offer a natural solution.

is a chiropractic adjustment safe

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

Chiropractors are experts in treating various issues related to bone and joints without relying on medications. If you’re experiencing aches, pains, or discomfort, a licensed chiropractor can provide alternative treatment methods that don’t involve prescription drugs.

A chiropractor’s treatment may include:

  • Adjustments: Using gentle techniques to realign joints, which reduce pain and enhance range of motion.
  • Soft-Tissue Therapy: Relaxing tight muscles, relieving spasms, and releasing tension in the connective tissue (fascia) surrounding each muscle.
  • Exercises and Stretches: Restoring joint stability and mobility by recommending specific exercises to promote healing.
  • Joint Bracing or Taping (Kinesio Taping): Providing support for sprained joints or injured muscles during the healing process.
  • References to Medicine Experts: Collaborating with other healthcare professionals to offer guidance on diet and nutrition for reducing inflammation or managing weight.

Do Chiropractors Need a Certification?

Yes, chiropractors need a certification to practice. To become a chiropractor, one must first complete at least three years of undergraduate study. Following that, they can enroll in a Doctor of Chiropractic degree program, which typically takes around three and a half to five years to finish. The program includes rigorous coursework with over 4,200 instructional hours.

Once the educational requirements are met, aspiring chiropractors must obtain a state license before they can start their practice. This certification ensures licensed practitioners have received adequate training and the necessary skills to provide safe and effective care.

Who Can Get a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Everyone can benefit from chiropractic therapy. Although any adult or child can seek chiropractic care, the most likely age range is 45 to 64 years. It’s crucial to remember that people who are assigned as female at birth often see chiropractors more frequently than those who are assigned as male at birth.

Before undergoing a chiropractic adjustment, you must undergo a screening process. This ensures that you are an ideal candidate for this form of natural healthcare. There will be cases where chiropractic care may not be appropriate or sufficient for your specific condition. Then, your experienced chiropractor will gladly refer you to another qualified healthcare provider who can cater better to your needs.

is chiropractic adjustment safe

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

If you’re suffering from pain, fatigue, or general discomfort, you may be considering chiropractic adjustments. If you are unsure about its safety, then we can assure you it is completely safe! Extensive studies have shown that chiropractors undergo relentless training and follow strict safety guidelines during treatments. In fact, spinal adjustments are considered much safer than other invasive procedures like injections, medications, or surgeries, which often come with long-term side effects.

It’s important to find a reliable chiropractor to ensure your safety and receive the best care possible. Look for someone with the right degree and credentials. If you want top-notch treatment backed by evidence-based methods, consider consulting with a Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) certification professional.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic treatment offers a wide range of benefits for those seeking natural care options. Here are some key advantages of chiropractic adjustments:

  • Minimizes Migraines and Neck-Related Headaches

Chiropractors target the underlying issues causing these types of headaches and then provide relief without relying on pain medications.

  • Improves Posture

Poor posture can lead to a variety of musculoskeletal problems. Chiropractic adjustments help align your spine properly, promoting better posture over time.

  • Reduces Pain and Improves Range of Motion

Misaligned joints in the spine and other places are realigned by chiropractors. This procedure can increase mobility and flexibility while reducing discomfort.

  • Alleviates Symptoms Associated with Osteoarthritis

Chiropractors use gentle techniques to address joint stiffness, inflammation, and discomfort caused by osteoarthritis.

  • Treats Minor Neck or Spine Injuries Like Whiplash

Whether it’s a result of car accidents or sports activities, minor injuries such as whiplash can be effectively treated by experienced chiropractors.

Through personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs, chiropractic adjustments offer safe solutions. The focus is on holistic healing rather than simply masking symptoms.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic adjustments are generally safe and effective, with minimal risks. After a session, it is possible to experience mild soreness or fatigue that quickly subsides. In rare cases, serious complications such as herniated disks or pinched nerves in the lower spine may occur. However, these instances are extremely uncommon.

It’s crucial to note that visiting a licensed chiropractor greatly reduces any potential risks. Their extensive training and expertise have been proven to ensure safe alignment.

can chiropractor help with ankle pain

What is the Procedure of Chiropractic Manipulation?

Chiropractic manipulation involves careful hands-on techniques, using precise movements to target specific areas of misalignment in your spine. During the procedure itself, patients often report experiencing immediate relief and improved mobility—a testament to its effectiveness. But there are some key proceedings before the chiropractic session and also some necessary steps that you must follow after it. Let’s look at them:

  • Before a Chiropractic Session

Before your chiropractic session, you’ll meet with your chiropractor to discuss your medical history and undergo a thorough physical exam. In some cases, diagnostic imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans may be needed to know more about your musculoskeletal system.

These tests help the chiropractor to get a comprehensive understanding of the issues that are causing you discomfort. Based on these findings and an evaluation of your symptoms, they will develop a personalized treatment plan that suits you.

  • During a Chiropractic Session

Your chiropractor will customize the treatment plan during a spinal adjustment based on your unique needs. Initially, you’ll lie face down on a specialized table. The table allows certain body segments to lift slightly higher than the others. This enables the chiropractor to apply targeted pressure.

Using their hands or small instruments, they’ll administer a quick and controlled force. That force realigns the vertebrae in your spine, which was slightly off-center. It’s interesting to note that during this process, you may hear popping sounds. That’s just the release sound of gases that were trapped within the joints!

  • After a Chiropractic Session

After a chiropractic session, it’s common to experience mild soreness or minor aches in the treated areas. Don’t worry—it’s just your body adjusting and realigning itself. This discomfort typically subsides within 24 hours. And if you are a regular receiver of chiropractic care, you may not even experience it.

To enhance the benefits of your adjustment, your chiropractor may suggest certain practices as “homework”. These might include:

  • Stretches to improve flexibility
  • Advice on maintaining proper posture
  • Thermal therapy, such as icing or heat
  • Topical pain relievers for localized relief
  • Dietary recommendations for overall health improvement
  • Stress management techniques to relax muscles naturally
  • Electrical muscle stimulation using TENS machines

Remember that these additional steps complement your treatment plan. A little extra effort outside of the session can make all the difference in getting the best results!

What is a Common Misconception About Chiropractic Adjustments?

One of the most common misconceptions about chiropractic adjustments is that they can cause strokes. However, there isn’t enough data to support this myth. In reality, the risk is minimal, even if there have been a few very rare cases of stroke associated with chiropractic treatments.

According to a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, the risk of stroke from a chiropractic adjustment is 1 in 5.85 million! In comparison, visiting a medical doctor carries a higher risk, with approximately 1 in 720,000 chances of having a stroke.

These rare cases typically involve patients who already had pre-existing factors putting them at risk for strokes, such as high blood pressure or smoking habits. Chiropractors will screen and identify those individuals who may be at higher risk for stroke and take caution accordingly during treatment sessions.

Ending Thoughts

By now, we should have a clear understanding of this query: is chiropractic adjustment safe? With all these questions answered, we can comfortably say that chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective form of treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Don’t hesitate to explore the benefits and safety of chiropractic care as you seek long-term relief from your discomfort. Remember that your health is in good hands with skilled professionals who prioritize your well-being.

The Brost Clinic, located in Minnesota, USA, is dedicated to providing safe and effective chiropractic care. With the help of our licensed chiropractors, you will find relief from back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Plus, our natural care will improve your overall well-being and manage chronic conditions naturally. By combining chiropractic care with massage therapy, we offer a holistic approach to health that promotes healing and long-term wellness.

Consider visiting The Brost Clinic today, where experienced practitioners will provide individualized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. Call for an appointment with us and start your journey toward a healthier life!

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