can chiropractic help achilles tendonitis

How Can Chiropractic Help Achilles Tendonitis – A Complete Guide

Achilles tendonitis is common, particularly in people with heel pain. It impacts both athletes and non-athletes. Nonetheless, reduction is possible with chiropractic adjustments and associated therapy. People with this disease can quickly restore their mobility and get adequate relief from their pain by combining chiropractic care with Active Release therapy. This will enable them to resume their regular activities without difficulty.

In this guide, we will let you know how can chiropractic help Achilles Tendonitis. So, continue reading to understand how chiropractic care is helpful for Achilles tendonitis.

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

The tendon that links the back of your leg to your tilt might become inflamed and painful in the area closest to the bottom of your foot when you have Achilles tendonitis. The calf contains two large muscles. These generate the force required to elevate oneself on the toes or push off with the foot. You can press your foot down because of the long Achilles tendon that joins these muscles to the heel.

While running, jumping, and walking, your Achilles tendon is used. Overuse-related tendinitis is especially common in younger individuals. It can happen to runners, walkers, and other sportspeople.

Types of Achilles Tendonitis

The afflicted part of your tendon is described by the two forms of Achilles tendinitis:

  • Noninsertional Achilles Tendonitis

The disorder is known as non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy, which is also referred to as tendinosis, tendonitis, and paratendonitis. It is characterized by the gradual degeneration or breakdown of the Achilles tendon. The structure runs along the back of your leg and resembles a cord connecting your calf muscle. Your heel bone (calcaneus) is called the Achilles tendon. Pain at the back of your leg is a result of a chronic overuse injury called Achilles tendinopathy.

The onset of symptoms is slow and unplanned. Aching and burning pain is possible, especially in the morning, and it gets worse when you move. The tendon frequently enlarges. A painful-to-touch lump can develop inside the tendon. Walking may cause a weakness in your push-off strength. Those who have recently increased the intensity of their running or jumping activities. Those are more likely to develop non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy. Running on sloped terrain, flatfoot or high-arched feet, and repeated activities can all be linked to it. Other risk factors include age, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

  • Insertional Achilles Tendonitis

At the location where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone. But, there is inflammation known as insertional tendonitis. Individuals who have this condition experience soreness over the Achilles tendon’s insertion point. This is linked to the production of calcium or a bone spur that forms above the insertion point. Together with Haglund’s deformity (also called a “pump bump”), which is a bony growth of the heel bone. This disease can also result in retrocalcaneal bursitis, as discussed below. Because the skates rub on the back of the heel, ladies wear high-heeled shoes, and men play hockey. These are reasons more likely to get Haglund’s deformity.

Understanding Achilles Tendonitis: Symptoms and Causes

The dense fibrous cords that connect muscle to bone are called tendons. And tendonitis is a disorder characterized by inflammation or irritation of these cords. Depending on the location and degree of the illness. This excitation can cause a variety of signs, and each comes with a different level of intensity. Comprehending the indications of tendinitis is essential for prompt diagnosis and management.

The Symptoms

The term “arthritis” refers to a broad range of joint-related disorders. There are more than 100 distinct kinds of arthritis, and each one can have a unique set of symptoms. The following are the most typical signs of arthritis:

  • Pain: The most typical sign of arthritis is pain. The discomfort might be intermittent or persistent, moderate or severe, and come and go.
  • Swelling: Swelling may be brought on by joint inflammation. The joint may feel swollen and appear larger as a result of the swelling.
  • Tenderness: Even in the absence of swelling, the joint may feel sensitive to the touch.
  • Stiffness: Especially in the morning or following periods of inactivity, this is frequent. For at least thirty minutes, the stiffness can persist.
  • Warmth and Redness: The skin surrounding the injured joint may appear red and feel warm to the touch.
  • Crepitus: When a joint is manipulated, it causes a grinding or crackling sound to be heard or felt. Air bubbles shifting in the joint fluid or the rubbing of the bones against one another can induce crepitus.
  • Weakness: There’s a chance that the muscles around the hurt joint will weaken. This could make it harder to move the joint.

Causes of Pain in the Achilles Tendon

The strong band of tissue that joins your heel bone to your calf muscles is called the Achilles tendon. For exercises like sprinting, leaping, and walking, it is necessary.  Yet, because of its frequent use, it is prone to some painful ailments and injuries. Some causes of pain are as follows:

  • Micro-tears: Tiny tears can occur within the tendon fibers as a result of repeated stress. The tendon is not ruptured by these microtears. Yet, they may cause pain and discomfort by irritating and inflaming the surrounding tissue. People with low flexibility or those who increase their level of activity exhibit this.
  • Tendonitis: Achilles tendon pain is most frequently caused by tendinitis. It’s an overwork-related tendon irritation. Running, jumping, and working on hard surfaces all involve prolonged standing. All of those have the potential to overstress the tendon and result in tendonitis. Pain, stiffness, and tenderness are some of the symptoms, particularly in the morning or right after an exercise.
  • Tendinosis: This is a degenerative condition as opposed to tendonitis, which is an inflammatory one. Microtears may break down the tendon fibers due to improper healing. This may result in the tendon becoming generally weaker and stiffer, causing persistent pain. Those who are older or have experienced recurrent tendinitis are more likely to experience it.
  • Rupture: An Achilles tendon tear is a dangerous injury. This can occur unexpectedly during intense exercise. It has a popping sound or the sensation of being “kicked” in the back of the leg as an accompanying sensation. The inability to walk gets worse, and there is severe pain, bruising, and swelling.

chiropractor achilles tendonitis

Can Chiropractic Help Achilles Tendonitis

An effective treatment for Achilles tendinitis may involve chiropractic adjustments. It’s critical to set reasonable expectations. Even so, it won’t offer total and immediate relief from discomfort. However, it can support a therapy strategy that addresses the stiffness and discomfort brought on by the illness. For Achilles tendonitis, try these chiropractic treatments:

  • Quickly Stops the Pain: While chiropractic adjustments may provide some pain relief. But it’s unlikely to be a complete and immediate solution. Achilles tendonitis often requires a multifaceted approach that includes 3 things. Those are rest, physical therapy exercises, and medications. Chiropractic care can be a matching part of this approach. But it’s not a magic bullet for instant pain relief.
  • Relieves Pain and Stiffness: Through manual adjustments of the ankle, foot, and even the lower back. A chiropractor can aim to improve joint function and mobility in the affected area. This can help lower inflammation and muscle tension, leading to a decrease in pain and stiffness.
  • Improves Range of Motion: Chiropractic adjustments may address joint misalignments. That could be contributing to tightness or restricted movement in the ankle and calf complex. By improving joint mobility, a chiropractor can help you regain a greater range of motion in the affected leg.

How a Chiropractor Help to Treat Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendinitis can be treated with chiropractic care. To lessen discomfort and increase mobility, chiropractors can check the condition.  Also, it can determine what care is required. The calf, ankle, and foot muscles are adjusted and manipulated as part of treatment. This may assist in easing tendon tension and lowering localized inflammation.

  • Active Release Therapy (ART)

When it comes to reducing scar tissue and addressing soft tissue problems, ART is successful. To prevent further difficulties, treatment can improve the condition of your tendons. It will also aid in the relief of your current discomfort.

  • Diversified Chiropractic Adjustments

These are applied to the feet and spine as needed. The most popular adjustment that chiropractors make using their understanding of the connection. Which is found between pain in various body areas and the spine is spinal manipulation. Chiropractors manipulate the spine with controlled, rapid thrusts using their hands or tools. This can ease pain, stiffness, and swelling and enhance nerve function.

  • Suction Cupping

The goal of this is to reduce pain. It uses a sliding motion along the sore area using many static cups or a single cup. The sliding position, cup size, and suction strength are all dependent on the patient’s tolerance. The painful area is covered with cocoa butter, and pressure is administered for ten to fifteen seconds.

  • Shockwave Therapy

A more modern approach to treating musculoskeletal diseases like tendinitis is shockwave therapy. It promotes tissue healing in wounded areas by using high-energy sound waves. This procedure is non-invasive, stimulating tendon and tissue regeneration. It promotes natural repair processes within the body. Shockwave therapy is renowned for its success in reducing pain. It’s often sought when conventional treatments haven’t yielded results.

  • Graston Technique

When treating Achilles tendinitis, the Graston Technique targets scar tissue using devices. By increasing blood flow, this may lessen pain and inflammation and hasten the healing process. Although unpleasant, it can be a useful adjunct to other treatments for the healing of Achilles tendinitis.

  • Muscle Strengthening Exercises and Recommendations

The key to recovering from Achilles tendinitis is strengthening workouts. They strengthen the calf muscles’ resistance, promoting recovery and averting further problems. Take your time and put the correct form before speed. Exercises like towel calf raises and seated calf raises target the soleus muscle. Eccentric calf raises with slow lowering also contribute to its strengthening. To improve proprioception, do daily stretches and include balance exercises. Maintaining consistency is essential for building muscle and encouraging a quick recovery.


Can chiropractic help Achilles tendonitis? Without a doubt, the answer is yes. The Brost Clinic’s chiropractic care provides a potential cure for this frequent condition through precise adjustments and complete methods. Chiropractic adjustments correct misalignments and imbalances in the body, which helps relieve pain. It also brings the damaged area back to normal function.

Our clinic offers the best care possible to patients of all ages, focusing on natural health care. Chiropractic care at The Brost Clinic can relieve Achilles tendonitis and increase mobility and general wellness.

can a chiropractor help with sciatic nerve

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Many people require daily treatment for sciatica pain. Sciatica pain may be brought on by an old injury or a poor postural habit. The majority of minor sciatica cases go away on their own. On the other hand, sciatica can result in continual discomfort and muscular weakness if it doesn’t go away independently. Some sciatica sufferers go for care elsewhere than in a hospital.

A common natural remedy for sciatica is chiropractic treatment. It is usually regarded as a safe therapeutic option and can reduce pain without the need for drugs. This helps the patient feel less uncomfortable. Continue reading to know how can a chiropractor help with sciatic nerve pain.

Understanding Sciatic Nerve Pain

The sciatic nerve is the initial source of pain for sciatica, also known as lumbar radiculopathy. This nerve travels down the back of your thigh from the rear of your pelvis. It is the largest nerve in your body and the primary nerve in your leg. Sciatica results from pressure on the lower back roots of the sciatic nerve by the spinal column.

The biggest nerve in the body travels from the lowest region of the spinal cord through the buttocks and lower leg. A herniated disk in the spine is frequently the cause of sciatic nerve pain. Other causes include tumors, nerve damage from another medical condition, or bone spurs on the lower back bones.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica can cause anything from mild discomfort to excruciating pain. People struggle to do simple tasks like sitting, bending, and walking. Chiropractic treatment may be helpful if any of the sciatica symptoms below apply to you.

  • Numbness in the Lower Body Parts

People commonly experience numbness in their legs, feet, or toes. Usually, this numbness occurs after waking up or after spending a lot of time sitting still.

  • Frequent Lower Back Pain

A common complaint among sciatica sufferers is lower back pain. It’s critical to determine whether your lower back discomfort is due to sciatica or generalized pain. Sciatica is caused by a slipped disc, acute inflammation, or torn muscles irritating a nerve. Routine visits to a chiropractor can help with sciatica diagnosis and treatment planning.

  • Sharp and Severe Pain in The Nerves

A pinched nerve in the leg causes sharp, frequent pain that is felt in the leg.

  • Intense Burning Sensation

Patients may feel a sharp burning sensation when a nerve is pinched, typically in the upper or lower back.

  • Patients Feel Pain While Standing Or Sitting

When someone has sciatica, standing or sitting down causes terrible pain or soreness. When the body moves, the leg muscles are placed under tremendous pressure, which causes pain.

causes sciatica

What Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica is defined by shooting pain along the sciatic nerve, usually affecting one side of the body. It is frequently made worse by herniated discs or inflammation. For women, it can get worse during pregnancy because of the increased pressure from the expanding uterus. Spinal disorders such as stenosis are additional factors.

Lifestyle choices, including weight, inactivity, and wearing high heels, may also increase the problem. Sciatica can result from various factors. This pain is frequently experienced by pregnant women and those with back issues. Practical solutions are necessary to address the underlying causes of the pain and provide relief.

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Sciatic Nerve?

Chiropractic treatment relieves sciatica by straightening the spine and joints and realigning posture. It also aids in releasing pressure from joints. Habitual weight imbalances are common reasons and might result in chronic pain. Sciatic discomfort is reduced by a vertebral subluxation method, which realigns the vertebrae. Moreover, it speeds up your metabolism. Proper posture is ensured by this treatment. Additionally, it stops nerve discomfort without the need for medicine or surgery. In general, sciatica can be managed with chiropractic pain management.

  • Spinal Adjustments

One of the most popular methods chiropractors employ to treat sciatica is spinal adjustments. They identify the compressed nerve and realign your spine to release the compressed nerves.

During this brief exercise, the spine is “adjusted” to its ideal shape, form, and position. Because the disc or other portion of the spine does not put further pressure on the sciatic nerve. This aids in the restoration of function and movement.

  • Soft Tissue Therapy

Inflammation in the muscles close to the sciatic nerve can compress the nerve or complicate things. Chiropractors use soft tissue treatment. To help with healing and reduce inflammation, the muscles and tissue are subjected to gentle massages and electric pulses.

Injured muscles and tissues heal more quickly with the help of massages and electric pulses. It also increases blood flow and lessens compression.

  • Rehabilitative Exercises and Stretches

Chiropractors recommend rehabilitative exercises. These workouts could involve lower back and leg stretching and strengthening. Stretching aids in releasing tension from the muscles and sciatic nerve. Additionally, it can reduce discomfort by enhancing the spine’s range of motion. Exercises must be done under supervision to ensure that you are doing the best suited to your needs. A physiotherapist should work in tandem with this supervision.

  • Flexion-Distraction Technique

The Flexion-Distraction Technique seeks to reverse spinal disc compression by stretching your spine. The procedure occurs on a table the chiropractor lowers after strapping your legs. As a result, the legs descend, and the back is compressed to aid in stretching. This may be done a few times to help the condition.

  • Physical Therapy Modalities

Sciatica is treated with physical therapy techniques, including heat or cold therapy. Manual treatment techniques, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation are applied. These methods improve mobility and encourage nerve healing. Additionally, they reduce tight muscles, pain, and inflammation.

Why Chiropractors Are Effective for Sciatica Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments provide non-surgical relief for sciatic and other problems by realigning vertebrae and joints. This moderate approach strengthens surrounding muscles, encourages healing, and reduces inflammation. Chiropractors provide individual therapy that addresses various health issues. These changes provide a non-pharmacological method of treating neuromusculoskeletal conditions. They work very well to relieve persistent back and neck pain, including sciatica. They also help the healing process following prior injuries.


Is Sciatica Nerve Pain Treatment Painful?

Treatment options for sciatica nerve pain might vary. Some may be uncomfortable. But rather than making the pain worse, therapies like physical therapy or medicine try to make it go away.

When to Seek Chiropractic Care for Sciatica

Try chiropractic care if your Sciatica symptoms persist or worsen despite conservative therapy. Severe pain or loss of bladder requires emergency medical attention. For the best care, speak with medical specialists.

Can Chiropractic Care Completely Cure Sciatica?

Chiropractic care can reduce inflammation, improve spine mobility, and ease sciatica-related pain. It uses various care strategies to assist in managing and reducing the problem.

Final Word from Us

The clear answer to “Can a chiropractor help with sciatic nerve pain?” is a loud “yes.” For people suffering from sciatic nerve pain, the chiropractors at The Brost Clinic provide a ray of hope through expert adjustments and comprehensive treatment. Our clinic is dedicated to providing the best chiropractic and natural health care possible. And it is a haven for families and individuals seeking relief and renewal. Put your faith in the knowledge and commitment of The Brost Clinic’s chiropractors to help you achieve a pain-free future.

can a chiropractor help with jaw pain

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Jaw Pain: A Comprehensive Guide

Jaw pain is a typical problem affecting the temporomandibular joints on either side of the head, in front of the ears. It can become a persistent and unpleasant problem if left untreated. It might be challenging to get the proper treatment for jaw pain because people have misconceptions about jaw pain, and these are confusing terms.

This blog will help you to know how can a chiropractor help with jaw pain. Also, we will remove myths and explore complementary therapies that claim to relieve pain. Together, we will explore the realities and complete solutions to enlighten your route to comfort.

What is Jaw Pain?

Millions of Americans suffer from TMJ (Temporomandibular joint and Muscle Disorders). Jaw pain can appear as an irritation, tenseness, or discomfort in the region surrounding your ears or jawbones. Jaw pain, whether mild or severe, can negatively impact your quality of life. Gum disease, teeth grinding, toothaches, and other conditions can all contribute to jaw pain. However, jaw pain can sometimes indicate a more severe problem, such as a dislocated or fractured jaw or a heart attack.

What Does Jaw Pain Feel Like?

Your face may feel rigid if you have jaw pain, particularly in the joints before your ears. These joints facilitate jaw movement by joining your lower jaw to your skull. Your jaw may ache or throb occasionally, particularly following an injury.

An acute pain in your jaw joint that radiates to your shoulders or chest may indicate a heart attack, which is extremely dangerous and necessitates prompt medical attention. Trismus, or the inability to open your mouth quickly, is another symptom of jaw pain. You must consult a physician if you encounter any of these symptoms.

What Causes Jaw Pain?

Misalignment of the spine can cause jaw pain, but there are other potential causes as well. Let’s discuss the jaw pain below.

  • Bruxism

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can harm the TMJ joint and produce jaw pain. Unknowingly grinding their teeth is a typical behavior among Des Moines residents that significantly causes jaw pain and tense muscles. Chiropractic treatments are essential for treating the underlying issues that lead to tooth grinding and offering relief and prophylactic care.

Bruxism can be caused by any number of factors, including food intolerances. Because they care about the whole picture, our doctors at The Brost Clinic will try to identify the essential cause of your condition and offer the best available care.

  • Posture

Check your posture right now. Are you scrolling in bed, at a desk, or in a car? Take a look at your neck. It is not nice if it is bent down. It’s a significant contributing factor to neck issues like discomfort and arthritis. This neck issue may also be causing jaw pain.

Given the connection between your jaw and spine, an extended time of staring down might cause tension in your neck. It can also affect your jaw. This may result in persistent headaches. Correct posture is essential to feeling healthier. In our Brost Clinic, we treat patients who suffer from poor posture. We modify their necks to help with headaches, neck pain, and posture and use a specific gadget.

The Risk of Ignoring Jaw Pain

You shouldn’t wait while your jaw pain worsens, even though giving it time to decrease on its own is acceptable. Ignoring jaw pain can have serious consequences, including substantial damage and loss of function. In addition, it might cause headaches, shoulder and neck discomfort, and disruptions to regular tasks. It can also cause trouble speaking and eating and mental distress.

can chiropractor help with jaw pain

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Jaw Pain

A chiropractor can help relieve jaw pain in different ways. Let’s discuss some primary therapies a chiropractor provides to reduce jaw pain.

  • Trigger Point Therapy

Professionals with extensive training in treating various jaw pain conditions, such as joint discomfort, tense muscles, and spasms in the muscles, are chiropractors. They achieve this by employing trigger point therapy to try and relax the stiff muscles surrounding the jaw and spine. Trigger points are the highly tight muscles that result in aches and pains in the jaw.

This type of treatment helps to rebalance the TMJ muscles when the jaw muscles are too tight or unbalanced. Additionally, this therapy assists patients in regaining appropriate neck posture and lowering their general stress levels. Chiropractors are very knowledgeable about diseases of the TMJ. They are skilled in the precise manipulation of muscles to induce relaxation. Additionally, this exercise can help relieve neck, shoulders, back, legs, and hip pain.

  • Soft Tissue Therapy

A chiropractor can manipulate the soft tissues surrounding the jaw to relieve pinched nerves and impulses and restore normal function. The corrections will release tension in the masseter, temporalis, and pterygoid muscles, as well as realign misaligned jaws.

Soft tissue injuries from trauma, repetitive stress, and other sources are the focus of a chiropractor’s practice. Restoring function, accelerating healing, and relieving TMJ pain are among the services that most chiropractors specialize in.

  • Easing Stress and Tension

Overstress on the body and mind can cause pain in certain instances, which is known as TMJ. A skilled chiropractor can provide adjustments and massage therapy to ease tense muscles and stressed nerves. Any muscles and nerves in the area of the jaw, face, neck, shoulders, and back are the focus of the treatment.

Chiropractors can treat neck and spine disorders, reduce muscle tension, and release pinched nerves. The therapy also reduces stiffness and increases blood flow to the jaw muscles. Pain and pressure in the jaw and neck region should go away after the prescribed treatment course is completed.

  • Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments are recognized to be just as effective as medical treatments. However, most people with TMJ difficulties seek therapy from doctors and dentists. The goal of this exercise is to release the muscles that surround the joint. Reducing TMJ pain may involve loosening the muscles, ligaments, and nerves surrounding the joint.

Our team of skilled chiropractors can realign your spine and nerve system if they are misaligned. They can also make minor adjustments to help address spinal abnormalities, restore the spine to its proper position, and finally reduce TMD discomfort.


When Should I See a Chiropractor for Jaw Pain?

Chiropractic care can often help people manage their symptoms of TMJ pain, while there isn’t one treatment that works for everyone. However, the most crucial thing to remember is to contact a chiropractor as soon as possible for assistance. This will help decrease the chance of long-term harm and help relieve symptoms.

Is It Dangerous to Adjust the Jaw?

It’s critical to remember that only a licensed, skilled healthcare practitioner, such as a doctor of chiropractic, should make safe, regulated adjustments to the jaw. They should also be aware of any underlying medical issues that could worsen following the modification.


Many people ask, “Can a chiropractor help with jaw pain?” when trying to relieve jaw pain. Practitioners like those at The Brost Clinic provide a holistic approach, which holds the key to the solution.

Chiropractors treat misalignments that might lead to jaw pain using gentle adjustments and specialized techniques. They seek to improve general well-being and reduce pain by assisting the spine and its supporting tissues to operate correctly. Thus, if you’re looking for all-natural jaw pain solutions, call The Brost Clinic’s chiropractors today. Say goodbye to suffering and hello to a healthier, happier version of yourself.

can a chiropractor help with dizziness

Regain Your Balance: How Can a Chiropractor Help With Dizziness

Dizziness can seriously impact your day-to-day work, making it difficult to work, drive, and even enjoy basic activities. If you are suffering from vertigo or dizziness, you may be thinking about how a chiropractor can help. In this guide, we will explore what causes dizziness, how can a chiropractor help with dizziness, and what advantages come with seeing a chiropractor.

What is Dizziness?

The feeling of being unsteady, anxious, or dizzy is called dizziness. It can occasionally induce fainting because it is connected to the sensory organs, particularly the eyes and hearing. Dizziness is a symptom of many different conditions rather than a sickness in and of itself.

It’s normal to feel dizzy. Occasional dizziness is nothing to worry about. However, if you’ve been dizzy for an extended time without a clear cause, you should consult a doctor.

What Causes Dizziness?

Vestibular neuritis is the most prevalent cause of dizziness. Inflamed vestibular nerves help the brain receive balance information. Usually affecting just one ear, the vestibular system frequently accompanies nausea and vomiting. Other potential reasons for dizziness include:

  • Meniere’s Disease

An inner ear condition known as Meniere’s disease can cause dizziness, hearing loss, and tinnitus. The condition results from fluid accumulation in the inner ear and typically affects individuals in their 20s to 50s. Meniere’s disease has no known cure. However, some therapies can help control the symptoms.

The most typical sign of Meniere’s illness is dizziness. It can result in nausea, vomiting, and a spinning feeling. Head position changes can set off vertigo episodes, which can linger for minutes or even hours. One other typical Meniere’s disease symptom is hearing loss. Initially, it is typically a low-frequency loss that progresses to a severe high-frequency loss over time.

  • Benign Positional Vertigo

Move your head in specific ways, and you may get dizziness, which is known as benign positional vertigo. Although other disorders can potentially cause it, inner ear problems are frequently the reason. Types of vertigo are not the same all the time. The feeling of spinning or dizziness when moving your head in specific positions is the most typical sign of benign positional vertigo. This may occur if you:

  • Move your head.
  • Lay down
  • Sit up
  • Look either up or down.

Usually, the dizziness subsides after a few seconds or minutes. It can sometimes go on for hours or even days. Benign positional vertigo often resolves independently in a few weeks and is not risky.

  • Migraines

One kind of headache that can induce severe pain is migraine. Other symptoms, such as light and sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting, also accompany migraines. Migraines can be so bad that they make it difficult for you to do daily tasks and may last for hours or even days.

  • Labyrinthitis

Inner ear problems include labyrinthitis. The ear’s labyrinth is a network of canals that aids hearing and balance. Inflamed labyrinths might result in dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss. Labyrinthitis occasionally causes nausea and vomiting. The standard treatment for labyrinthitis consists of rest and over-the-counter medicines to ease symptoms. In more severe situations, hospitalization may be necessary.

can chiropractor help with dizziness

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Dizziness: 7 Best Ways

While dizziness is not a common cause for visiting a chiropractor, those who do report experiencing significant relief from their condition. Compared to other medical experts, chiropractors provide more substantial relief to patients with balance issues or dizziness. Furthermore, compared to other health practitioners, they typically do so more frequently. These are 7 strategies they employ.

  • Spinal Adjustments

Treatment of dizziness is just one of the many advantages that a patient might receive from spinal adjustments. The central nervous system, which facilitates communication between the brain and the body, is in the spine. On the other hand, this communication may be blocked in the event of a subluxation or unusual alignment of the vertebrae in the spine.

These subluxations may be a direct or indirect cause of vertigo and dizziness. Resolving the subluxation with safe, noninvasive spine manipulation can indirectly aid healing and recovery. But, there are other ways that chiropractic care might address dizziness. It’s only one of several tools out there.

  • The Epley Maneuver

The most effective method for treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the Epley technique. The accumulation of calcium crystals in the inner ear is the source of dizziness, which might impair your balance.

It’s preferable to perform the maneuver with assistance, which a chiropractor can provide. You can practice the maneuver at home after he or she demonstrates it for you. Treating BPPV with this approach has proven to be highly successful.

  • Fixes Nerve Interference

Vertigo symptoms may arise due to nerve interference, particularly in the upper neck. Cervicogenic vertigo syndromes are episodes of vertigo brought on by irritation of the upper cervical nerves. Poor posture and neck injuries are the usual causes of this kind of dizziness.

In this instance, the chiropractor uses manual manipulation techniques to concentrate on realigning the neck’s vertebrae to their natural positions. Once the vertebrae are realigned and the nerves are no longer inflamed, the symptoms of vertigo will disappear.

  • Stretches and Exercises

Your chiropractor may prescribe basic stretches and exercises for you to perform at home. It depends on the kind of vertigo you experience. Many people discover that if they follow the exercises prescribed by their chiropractor, their vertigo goes away in as little as two weeks.

  • Stress Relief

The negative effects of stress on the body are well known. Stress can cause dizziness. And stress is almost unavoidable for most of us. At least, that’s what we believe. Chiropractic treatment can assist you in controlling and reducing your stress.

A chiropractic massage is among the most effective ways to do this. Yet, many people report feeling less anxious following a spinal manipulation session. This contributes to difficulty sleeping, a key element in accumulating stress.

  • Fixes Your Posture

Posture is one of the critical factors that chiropractors consider when making a diagnosis. Because we often adopt a folded position when using a computer or phone, poor posture is a significant issue worldwide.

Additionally, bad posture can irritate the spine’s nerves, which might result in dizziness. Fortunately, chiropractors are skilled in using stretches, spinal manipulation, and exercises to help you regain proper posture.

  • Chiropractic Massage

Chiropractic massage has been addressed several times in this article. The truth is that it’s an effective technique that can improve general health and wellness and treat dizziness.

To restore the health and function of the muscles surrounding the spine, this kind of massage includes spinal manipulation. Without realizing it, you often have stiff, pinched back muscles. These muscles can return to normal with chiropractic massage. Also, it helps the body cut toxins that have accumulated in the muscles and relieve stress.

Wrapping Up

Can a chiropractor help with dizziness? The answer is definitely yes. Our goal at The Brost Clinic is to deliver the best chiropractic adjustment possible. Our method is to satisfy the different requirements of people of all ages. It also promotes ideal health and assists with pain relief.

With our skilled care, you won’t have to face the challenging symptoms of dizziness alone. Allow us to assist you in regaining balance and health. It ensures you have support at every turn. Regain your balance with the help of our reliable staff.

can chiropractor help pulled muscle

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the conditions that chiropractors specialize in identifying and treating. Almost everyone experiences back pain at some point. According to research, spinal adjustment can help patients with acute low-back pain. Spinal adjustment is one of the most typical forms of back pain.

To address these issues, a medical professional known as a chiropractor primarily applies force to your spine using their hands, though they may also employ other methods. In this article, we will discuss how can a chiropractor help with back pain.

What Kinds of Conditions Does a Chiropractor Treat?

Pain in the neck, upper back, and lower back are just a few body regions where spine issues might appear. While some people may have experienced pain recently, others might have suffered for a long time. Sprains in the muscles and disc problems are the leading causes of back pain. Many persons additionally have pain in the arm, limb, or headache in addition to back and neck discomfort. Although their primary focus is treating disorders linked to the spine, chiropractors also assist with ailments in other body areas, such as the shoulders and knees.

3 Clear Signs You Should See a Chiropractor for Back Pain

You may be wondering when the best time to see a chiropractor is because you have many excuses for not calling one regarding your lower back pain. Guessing is no longer necessary. These three indicators will show you when to arrange that initial appointment.

  • You’ve Had Any Kind of Injury Involving Your Back

Whatever the underlying reason for your lower back discomfort, a chiropractor can identify the issue and provide a precise treatment plan. Attempting to go this route by yourself will make your injury worse and increase the chance of severe harm to the surrounding and internal spinal nerves. To feel your best as soon as possible after an injury, it’s preferable to schedule a chiropractor appointment and begin therapy right away.

  • The Source of the Pain Originates in the Hard Tissues

Occasionally, soft tissue injuries or muscle strains cause lower back pain. Nevertheless, the spine or joints are frequently the trustworthy source of the issue. In this case, massage therapy won’t help the injury recover.

To help release muscle tension, a chiropractor can correct the hard tissues’ alignment. For this reason, it’s crucial to consult with them. You can receive better treatment and return to normal faster if you combine massage therapy with chiropractic care.

  • You Are in Huge Pain

Lower back pain should not be tolerated by anyone, particularly if it interferes with daily activities. You should consult a chiropractor immediately if doing routine chores, such as bending down to pick something up, becomes uncomfortable or more difficult. They won’t likely prescribe medicines, but they can treat the underlying source of your discomfort, which may be a bulging disc, a pinched sciatic nerve, or other lower back issues.

The benefits of chiropractic care are far greater than whatever prevents you from making the appointment. You can live a better life, become less inactive, and relieve lower back discomfort. And getting in touch with your chiropractor is the first step.

chiropractor back pain treatment

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Back Pain?

A chiropractor can assist with back pain in a variety of ways. They’ll probably ask about your medical history and symptoms at your initial visit. They will then conduct a physical examination and, if required, make an order for tests such as X-rays. Your chiropractor will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan based on their findings. The following are possible components of this plan:

  • Spinal Manipulation and Adjustment

Spinal manipulation, often known as chiropractic adjustment, is one of the most popular chiropractic therapies. This manual therapy includes moving, massaging, and pressing on the joints and spine. Spinal manipulation is one technique chiropractors employ to improve the range of motion and address the underlying cause of patient discomfort.

  • Manual Therapies

Chiropractors may treat back pain with several manual techniques in addition to spinal manipulation. These consist of massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. Relieving tension in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the spine is the aim of each of these therapies.

  • Rehabilitative Exercise

In order to help patients strengthen the muscles surrounding their spines, chiropractors may also recommend rehabilitative exercises. Pain relief and injury prevention are two benefits of these exercises.

  • Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling

To assist patients in managing their back pain, chiropractors may offer dietary and lifestyle counseling. They recommend adjusting your sleep patterns, nutrition, and exercise regimen. They also provide advice on how to lessen stress.

Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor for Back Pain

Chiropractic adjustments can provide a variety of therapeutic advantages, according to research. The goal of this kind of treatment is to restore normal function to the joints and balance to the muscles. Additional benefits consist of:

  • Relief from Sciatica

Sciatic nerve discomfort affects the sciatic nerve, which travels from the lower back to the back of your legs. Relief from other types of treatment is not always possible. Many patients also decide against having surgery or steroid injections. Their decision to receive chiropractic therapy is based on this.

Active manipulation during chiropractic therapy has significant advantages, according to a study. Patients who get this treatment typically have fewer days in severe or moderate pain.

benefits of visiting a chiropractor for back pain

  • Reduced Reliance on Opioids

To help you manage your pain and discomfort if you have persistent back pain, your doctor might recommend opioid painkillers. It’s not necessary to rely on harmful and possibly addictive medication for pain, though. The use of such medicines will decrease with chiropractic care.

  • Low-Risk Treatment

Rather than giving patients many prescription drugs or performing invasive surgery, chiropractors treat patients hands-on. This enables the patient to receive natural treatment with a third party’s physical assistance. Because there is usually no medicine involved and no invasive procedure, people perceive chiropractic care to be safer.

  • On-Demand Treatment

In contrast to drugs or surgery, chiropractic care usually relieves a patient’s discomfort when they visit the chiropractor. It might take days, weeks, or even months for a patient to recover from surgery or medication-induced discomfort completely. On the other hand, during their visit, a patient receiving chiropractic care can get immediate relief.

While many chiropractors follow strict schedules, many others have more flexible hours. Since they know that their patients’ pain can rise at any time, chiropractic offices frequently give them plenty of space. This can be advantageous for the patient because it’s simple to come into the clinic or schedule an appointment for the same day if they suddenly have a stiff neck instead of waiting days or weeks to fix the problem.

Chiropractors specialize in back and neck pain. They employ methods that offer the patient the most significant relief at the lowest possible danger. Patients can relax knowing that although their pain may never disappear, chiropractors are always on hand to push or pull it out.

  • Affordability

For back pain, chiropractic therapy could be less expensive than traditional medical care. According to one study, chiropractic care patients experienced reduced treatment costs. In addition, the course of treatment was shorter than that of traditional medicine.


Should I Go to a Chiropractor If I Have Back Pain?

To find a non-invasive treatment for your back discomfort, you should see a chiropractor. Chiropractors may suggest therapeutic exercise, self-care routines, and spinal manipulation to lessen pain and increase mobility.

The foundation of chiropractic care, including adjustments, is the belief that the body can heal itself given the right conditions. By realigning muscles and nerves and reestablishing regular blood flow, these non-pharmacological methods can also enhance the body’s inherent healing process.

How Long Do Chiropractic Adjustments Last?

The topic of how long your chiropractic adjustment should last has a challenging solution. Since every patient reacts to chiropractic care differently, the plan and time frame are primarily determined by the patient’s age, fitness level, degree of pain, kind of injury, and length of discomfort.

The typical chiropractic treatment course is three weekly visits for two to four weeks. When you feel better, a chiropractor can recommend at-home self-care techniques using ergonomic equipment like foam rollers, elastic bands, and nutritional supplements. In 9 to 14 weeks, the average person requires anything from 18 to 24 adjustments to complete all three phases of chiropractic care.

How Often Do I Need to See a Chiropractor?

A chiropractor might initially see a patient once or twice a week. They might start seeing the patient every day if the condition is severe. Also, they advise fewer visits as the patient gets better and gradually give them more tasks to complete at home.

Some patients require periodic follow-up visits due to ongoing issues. However, most patients have manageable problems, and after their condition has improved, revisiting them is unnecessary.


The answer to the question “Can a chiropractor help with back pain?” is unquestionably positive. To ensure you live a more pain-free and active life, seeking chiropractic care can be a game-changer in your health journey.

You can check The Brost Clinic for chiropractic care. Our mission is to provide the highest quality natural health and chiropractic care to individuals and families of all ages. Our services are not only intended to relieve back pain but also to improve overall health and well-being. We use an overall strategy, focusing on individualized care that targets the underlying source of pain to provide long-lasting relief.

can a chiropractor help spinal stenosis

How Can a Chiropractor Help Spinal Stenosis?

A damaged spine can put pressure on nerves all over your body over time. As you get older, you may even develop spinal stenosis. This can jeopardize your overall health. Fortunately, surgery is not your only treatment option. Instead, you could see a spinal stenosis chiropractor. But how can a chiropractor help spinal stenosis?

Chiropractors align your spine, easing stenosis symptoms. They recommend exercises to improve posture. Non-invasive treatments like TENS might be offered alongside stretches for relief. Chiropractors can also offer spinal decompression to relieve pressure without requiring surgery. This promotes disc healing via increased nutrient flow.

In this article, we will broadly discuss the helping process of stenosis chiropractors. We will also enlighten you on the causes and symptoms of this condition. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Spinal Stenosis?

When the space in the spine gets too small, a condition called spinal stenosis can happen. The nerves and soft tissues that cover your bones and spine can hurt if you have spinal stenosis. This can make it hard to do everyday things like balance, feeling, and even moving.

Stenosis is more common in the neck and lower back, where the spaces are smaller. The spinal cord is made up of a column of smaller vertebrae in the neck and lower back. As this area shrinks, it can hurt nerves nearby by putting pressure on the nerve roots. This causes pain and other neurological symptoms, such as weakness or loss of sensation.

What Causes Spinal Stenosis?

Degenerative diseases are the most common cause of spinal stenosis. Here are some examples:

  • Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis affects the spinal cartilage. The vertebrae can compress the spinal cord and nerve roots as they thin and wear down. When the cartilage becomes too thin, the bones may rub together. This results in the formation of osteophytes (bone spurs). These bone spurs also compress the nerve roots.

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

The spaces between bones narrow as the discs between vertebrae dehydrate or break down. This compresses nerves as they exit the spinal canal. Degenerative disc disease also causes bulging discs. It hurts the spinal cord when a disc bulges into the spinal canal.

  • Ligament Thickening or Buckling

There is a substantial layer of connective tissue surrounding the spinal canal. In certain circumstances, these tissues can thicken or harden into bone.

You can feel the spinal cord and nerve roots getting squished when these ligaments get stiff or thick. These connective tissues become loose and buckle due to genetic disease, making the spinal canal narrow in one place.

Spinal deformities like scoliosis, tumors, and cysts can all cause narrowing of the spinal canal. Injuries can also cause spinal stenosis. It is common in patients who have suffered spinal injuries from sports, car accidents, or when a vertebra is dislocated or fractured.

Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis

The extent to which the space has shrunk determines where and how severe your symptoms are. The symptoms may appear gradually or suddenly. Running or lifting heavy objects can aggravate symptoms. The symptoms may include:

  • Pain

Spinal stenosis is most common in the cervical spine (neck and shoulders) and lumbar spine (lower back). The symptoms vary from mild to severe. It may begin as a dull, localized pain between the shoulders or in the lower back. Some people experience intense, sharp electrical pain that travels through the hips, legs, and arms. Pain may worsen with some activities and improve with others.

  • Loss of Sensation or Tingling

Patients with spinal stenosis rarely experience pain. Instead, they may feel numbness and tingling in the affected areas. Numbness and tingling can accompany pain and affect many parts of the body. This usually affects both the stenosis and the limbs.

  • Weakness

Your bones contribute to the body’s structure, but your muscles keep you standing and allow you to move. To maintain balance and coordination, your brain must be able to send and receive signals from those muscles.

When nerves are damaged or not working properly, the brain is unable to receive this information. This causes muscle weakness and difficulty moving or bearing weight.

There are also nerve roots in the spine that control bladder and bowel functions. Compression of these nerve roots can cause urinary or bowel incontinence.

can a chiropractor help with stenosis

How Can a Chiropractor Help Spinal Stenosis?

Chiropractors can use adjustments and manipulations to align your spine and neck. A misalignment could cause or worsen spinal stenosis. Getting an adjustment from a chiropractor can help relieve stress on the nerves in your spine.

  • Physical Exercises

Remember that poor posture can lead to stenosis. In fact, it can raise the pain. A chiropractor can recommend exercises (e.g., chin tucks, scapular retraction) to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture. Repeating these exercises daily can help with spinal stenosis pain relief.

Your doctor may also advise you to avoid activities that could worsen your pain. Walking uphill or cycling, for example, may exacerbate your spinal stenosis.

However, your chiropractor will probably advise you to stay physically active. Exercise can help prevent further deterioration of the muscles that support your spine.

  • Medication

Your chiropractor may also recommend anti-inflammatory drugs. Herbal anti-inflammatory agents include fish oil and curcumin. Most people who suffer from this condition believe that their only option is surgery. However, your chiropractor can create a treatment plan that is non-invasive, holistic, and natural.

Your chiropractor may also recommend TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), ice, or heat therapy. However, their suggestions may differ depending on your specific situation.

  • Stretches

During your adjustment, your chiropractor will stretch out certain parts of your body. Stretching creates a small amount of space along your spine. This can help relieve pressure.

Most patients experience an immediate reduction in pain after their first treatment. Each visit can help to alleviate your pain. However, pain relief can vary depending on several factors.

  • Spinal Decompression

If there is constant pressure on your spinal cord, you may need spinal decompression. Spinal decompression is a non-surgical procedure that can alleviate pressure on the spinal cord. If you gently stretch your spine, it will move. This will relieve pressure on your spinal nerves and discs.

Removing pressure from your spine’s structures allows water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids to flow into the discs. This allows the discs to heal.


Spinal stenosis can be an irritating situation. It can make your movements painful and cause numbness. Different degenerative conditions, like osteoarthritis and ligament thickening, are to blame for this condition.

The good thing is that chiropractic care can provide relief for this condition. With a focus on a non-invasive approach, a top-quality chiropractor can design a lifestyle beneficial for stenosis.

However, not all chiropractic care can meet the challenge of helping with spinal stenosis. The Brost Clinic definitely can. Contact us today for a safe alternative to back surgery or a natural and holistic way to treat spinal stenosis.

can a chiropractor help scoliosis

5 Ways How Can a Chiropractor Help Scoliosis

Scoliosis is the term for the abnormal curvature of the spine that affects an estimated 7 million Americans. Even individuals with minor scoliosis may find the illness an unpleasant obstacle to their everyday lives. Symptoms can vary from little apparent to severe. What choices do you have, though, if surgery isn’t an option for you?

Most people consult a physical therapist, orthopedist, or primary care physician for scoliosis treatment. However, an increasing number are also seeking chiropractic care. Why? In this article, we’ll look at how can a chiropractor help scoliosis.

What is Scoliosis?

Before talking about scoliosis, there are two things to know about it. First of all, a “scoliotic” curvature in your spine is any lateral or sideways bend in your spine. Whether the curvature is 3 degrees or 20 degrees, the word refers to the sideways bending of the spine. Scoliosis, often called clinical scoliosis, is different from a scoliotic curve.

When the degree of bend is greater than or equal to 12 degrees, clinical scoliosis is most frequently diagnosed. At this point, the curve may start to significantly impact posture, physical motions, and even cause discomfort. Two varieties of scoliosis exist:

1. Structural Scoliosis

One kind of scoliosis that results from the shape of the bones is called structural scoliosis. There’s a chance that certain bones are misaligned, causing the vertebrae above to tilt sideways. This scoliosis is unfixable with chiropractic care or other conservative therapies like physiotherapy or osteopathy. Physiotherapy, chiropractic care, or osteopathy can all help with the pain associated. Structural scoliosis increases joint range of motion and movement through various approaches. Since we cannot alter the bones’ structure, it is exceedingly challenging to realign the spine.

2. Functional Scoliosis

Functional scoliosis is the term for the other kind of scoliosis. Chiropractic care and other conservative therapy may be helpful for this kind of scoliosis. When you have functional scoliosis, your posture causes your spine to curve sideways rather than so much that the bones form a wedge. Typical instances of asymmetrical behaviour are as follows:

  • Driving a vehicle or machine with a manual gearbox always at work meant repeatedly depressing the clutch for many years.
  • Working in a factory requires only moving the body in one direction.
  • Engaging in physical activities that demand you to repeatedly use one side of your body over the other, such as badminton, when you can only use one hand.

Exercises like the ones listed above can lead to asymmetrical muscle development. And it can considerably greater workload on one side of the body. The far more common issue is that it develops postural habits. That result in the spine twisting sideways or scoliotically when a person leans to one side.

can chiropractor help scoliosis

What Causes Scoliosis Pain?

A cartilage disc sits between each vertebrae in a normal spine, arranging the vertebrae neatly on top of one another. When you move, your vertebrae are cushioned and made more flexible by this cartilage.

However, scoliosis causes an abnormal curvature of the spine. All the vertebrae “tilt” to one side instead of looking like a tidy stack of bricks. Other diseases (such as muscular dystrophy) may cause scoliosis or develop suddenly as you age.

A relatively minor curvature may result in significant back pain from scoliosis. The spine’s lateral, or sideways, curvature compresses the spinal discs on one side. It causes the vertebrae to rub against one another, as the x-ray image above illustrates. Insufficient cushioning between vertebrae can lead to the development of painful bone spurs.

Additionally, this misalignment might pull your nerves and cause joint strain. However, the pain associated with scoliosis extends. And it goes beyond your spinal column to include your tendons and muscles.

How Can a Chiropractor Help Scoliosis

Chiropractors prescribe braces and surgery as popular treatments. But there are non-invasive alternatives that can relieve pain and realign the spine, such as chiropractic care. People with scoliosis can benefit from chiropractic care in five different ways.

  • Acute and Chronic Pain Relief

Scoliosis can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Because of its uneven pressure on the spine and surrounding muscles. Chiropractic adjustments, which entail manipulating the spine. It may reduce pain by enhancing spinal alignment and lowering inflammation.

One of the most prevalent problems people with scoliosis have is pain and discomfort. It can significantly lower their quality of life. Get in touch with a chiropractor who can assist you. If you want to relieve scoliosis-related pain without using opioids or narcotic drugs.

  • Improved Posture

An uneven posture is one of the most obvious signs of scoliosis. Uneven shoulders, a protruding shoulder blade, or a lateral curvature of the spine may result from this. The goal of chiropractic care is to realign the spine. This can assist in addressing scoliosis-related postural abnormalities.

One of the most prevalent problems that persons with scoliosis encounter is postural difficulties. You may find that you are more at ease at work or in the classroom if you can correct your posture. To start, think about making an appointment with a chiropractor.

  • Increased Mobility

More movement might benefit those who have scoliosis. It promotes better alignment and flexibility. Frequent movement keeps the spine flexible and maintains its natural curves. Exercises that increase muscle strength, such as yoga, stretching, and swimming. It can lessen the effects of scoliosis.

This improved mobility also helps to reduce pain related to the illness. It also enhances general physical well-being. The best way to manage scoliosis is to speak with a healthcare provider. Ask him which exercises are best for you. For a healthier spine, keep your body moving and stay active.

  • Help With Spinal Misalignment

Spinal misalignment is the most common reason for tilting or twisting the spine. Imagine a block tower that leans if one block is missing. Similarly, the entire back is impacted by misalignment of the spine. A misalignment like this leads to scoliosis.

A chiropractor can use natural chiropractic techniques to help posture and the spine. Alignment because scoliosis can result in spinal misalignment. These adjustments were made by the chiropractor. This kind of adjustment involves the chiropractor adjusting the spine using their hands or a little instrument. It’s not as forceful as surgery but consists of some force.

  • Non-Invasive Treatment Option

Conventional scoliosis therapies, including bracing and surgery, can be costly. Also can be time-consuming and involve a lengthy recuperation period. Without requiring surgery, chiropractic care is a non-invasive option to enhance spinal alignment.

Chiropractic adjustments can help patients live better. It lives by managing pain, enhancing mobility, and improving posture. All of which can help reverse severe spinal curvatures. Seeking a chiropractor who can assist with scoliosis. It is a good option if you want to minimize adverse effects while treating your condition.

can a chiropractor help with scoliosis

Things to Consider in Chiropractic Treatment Plans

The most effective scoliosis and scoliotic pain therapies deal with the condition’s underlying causes rather than just its symptoms. Consequently, while considering chiropractic care as a kind of treatment, keep an eye out for these two crucial elements.

  • Cultivating a Customized Treatment Plan

Every patient with scoliosis has a unique set of trigger points, symptoms, and severity levels. The first examination and x-ray of each patient are the only factors that create efficient treatment regimens. As a result, you must collaborate with a chiropractor who rejects the formulaic method.

The chiropractor will identify the exact location of the increased pressure on your nerves through a comprehensive examination and x-ray. After determining the extent of the problem with your spinal alignment, a reputable chiropractor will create a long-term scoliosis treatment plan that addresses the underlying cause while managing your symptoms.

  • Exploring Your Expanded Treatment Options

Regular chiropractic care can help cure scoliosis before you feel more discomfort, so it has more benefits than surgery or bracing. Nonetheless, you can add more elements to your chiropractic care.

Your personalized treatment plan may involve acupuncture, laser therapy, traction therapy, or even specific exercise regimens, depending on the results of a consultation with a certified and licensed chiropractor.


Is a Chiropractor Good for Scoliosis?

Through spinal adjustments and exercises, chiropractors can assist in controlling the symptoms of scoliosis. However, the effectiveness of chiropractic care may vary. So, seeking the advice of a medical team may help you.

Can a Chiropractor Straighten Your Spine?

Chiropractors release restricted spinal joints. Excessive sitting with a forward head posture or a crouching position can cause the spinal joints to become locked in these bad positions. A chiropractor can realign these joints. This can help enhance the posture and curvature of the spine, in addition to muscle exercises. A pelvic tilt is a nice illustration of this. This may be associated with spinal limitations, which, if addressed, can significantly improve spinal health.

Is Massage Good for Scoliosis?

Massage can not cure scoliosis. However, it can offer short relief from the condition. Seek advice from a medical specialist for complete management.


The answer to the question, “Can a chiropractor help scoliosis?” is absolutely yes. Some people believe that receiving chiropractic care has helped them feel better. But it’s crucial to understand that scoliosis is a complicated term. The Brost Clinic offers the best chiropractic and natural health treatment. Nonetheless, a thorough consultation with a physician is essential. A complete treatment strategy is crucial for the best outcomes. So, taking services from The Brost Clinic can be helpful.

can chiropractor help pinched nerve in shoulder

How Can Chiropractor Help Pinched Nerve in Shoulder?

Have you ever felt pain and tingling radiate down your arm? A pinched nerve in your shoulder could be the problem. It occurs when surrounding tissues, such as bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons, exert too much pressure on a nerve. This pressure can result in pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness.

Chiropractic care is known to help with pain and a number of muscle problems. But the concern is, can chiropractor help pinched nerve in shoulder? The answer is that pinched nerves can be reduced with the help of chiropractors. That’s because they specialize in understanding and caring for the spine.

In this article, we will discuss this answer in a broader fashion. We will also discuss the causes and signs of a pinched nerve in the shoulder. If you suspect having a pinched shoulder nerve, then this is a must-read.

What Is a Pinched Nerve That Affects the Shoulder?

A lot of the time, people think they have a pinched nerve in their shoulder or shoulder blade because of the pain they feel there. Actually, a pinched nerve in the cervical spine (neck) can make you feel pain in your head, shoulder, and even arm.

In many cases, it hurts really badly when you move your neck back and forth or side to side. If you put your hands on top of your head, the pressure on the nerve is relieved, which may make the pain go away.

Causes of Pinched Nerves in the Shoulder

A pinched nerve can hurt your shoulder for a number of reasons. The most important ones are listed below:

Condition How it leads to a pinched nerve
Disc degeneration Intervertebral discs cushion spine vertebrae. As you age, your discs change, too. Sometimes, these changes bring vertebrae closer together, reducing nerve space.
Herniated discs In some cases, a disc herniates, pushing its jelly-like center into the spinal canal. This can press on sensitive nerves, causing arm pain, numbness, and weakness.
Pregnancy It is possible to get pinched nerves during pregnancy because of the swelling that can happen. This swelling can put pressure on nerves and the pathways that they use.
Injury An acute injury, like falling on a hand that is outstretched or getting tackled in football, can cause a pinched nerve.
Medical conditions Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis damage bones and compress nerves. Diseases like tumors, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cysts, and lupus can compress and pinch nerves.

Symptoms of Pinched Nerves in the Shoulder

You will need a full physical exam of your neck and shoulders to find out if your shoulder pain is caused by a pinched nerve.

There are, however, some signs that could point you and your doctor in the right direction:

  • Most of the time, a pinched nerve only hurts one shoulder. Also, the pain is usually very sharp, not a dull ache or strain like you might feel if you overworked your muscles.
  • If you turn your head, the pain may worsen. A pinched nerve can also cause neck pain and headaches in the back of your head.
  • A pinched nerve may also give you a feeling of “pins and needles” in your shoulder. The joint can also feel numb or weak when lifting something.
  • In some cases, symptoms spread from the shoulder down to the arm and into the hand.

chiropractor for pinched nerve in shoulder

Can Chiropractor Help Pinched Nerve in Shoulder?

It is very easy for chiropractors to treat pinched nerves. They are taught how to use gentle techniques to realign the spine’s bones and relax tight muscles, which takes the pressure off of pinched nerves. Chiropractic care is safer and less risky than other types of treatment. That’s because it does not involve drugs that can be addictive or other invasive procedures.

Chiropractic treatments are typically outpatient procedures that help to relieve pain, swelling, and disability caused by a pinched nerve. There is only one visit needed for a chiropractor to know if a treatment plan will work.

Most of the time, chiropractic care is cheaper than other types of treatment. This makes it a very good choice for treating pinched nerves.

Addressing a Pinched Nerve with Chiropractic Care

When you see a chiropractor for the first time, they will carefully check out the area where you are hurting. Chiropractors use different tests to find out what is causing your pain. Then, they make a treatment plan that is just right for you. For people who have pinched nerves, there are a number of choices for treatment.

Spinal decompression without surgery is a method that uses a special table to loosen up the spine and realign the nerves and vertebrae. Your chiropractor will use gentle manipulation to take pressure off of your spine and make it more aligned.

Besides these general treatments, there are also specialized ones like using an ice pack, ultrasound, and electrotherapy. The goal of these procedures is to ease pain, lower inflammation, and lessen muscle spasms.

Neglecting a pinched nerve can lead to irreversible nerve damage. Hence, it is very important to do so right away. If you have a pinched nerve in your shoulder blade or somewhere else and are in pain and unable to do things, you should get help. To quickly get back on track, contact your chiropractor or a chiropractic clinic for an evaluation and personalized treatment plan.


Q. How Long Does a Pinched Nerve Take to Heal?

Ans. It is possible to treat and heal a pinched nerve in about a month. But, this will depend on the person’s health condition and the treatment plan. The healing process goes a little faster when you get chiropractic care because you can get help and care right away.

Q. What’s Better for a Pinched Nerve Physical Therapy or Chiropractor?

Ans. Both are good for people with pinched nerves in different ways. Physiotherapy recovers people over a long period of time by using heat, cold, exercises, and combinations of these. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, works with the spinal cord to relieve pressure and realign it.

Medical professionals will look at the patient’s condition and recommend the best course of action after thinking about all of them.


A pinched nerve in the shoulder can happen for a number of reasons. Herniation and degeneration in intervertebral discs, injury, pregnancy, etc. can all contribute to this. The most common symptom is the occurrence of a sharp pain that affects one of the shoulders. Besides, a ‘pins and needles’ feeling, along with headaches and neck pain, can also indicate a pinched shoulder nerve.

Early intervention is mandatory to avoid permanent nerve damage. Getting chiropractic care allows you to receive help and treatment right away, which speeds up the healing process. However, the condition is to get help from top-class chiropractic care.

If you are in Minnesota, The Brost Clinic can help you with this. Our industry-expert chiropractors understand pinched nerves better than any other chiropractor. Their gentle touches can work wonders in giving you comfort from that sharp pain. Contact us today to book an appointment.

can a chiropractor help si joint pain

Finding Relief: How Can a Chiropractor Help SI Joint Pain

Are you in need of assistance with persistent low back pain? In that case, it’s possible that you’re experiencing sacroiliac joint pain. Regretfully, many people are impacted by this issue each year. As you keep looking for reliable treatment options, you might hear about chiropractic care, a natural, non-invasive procedure to treat musculoskeletal problems.

A chiropractor can assist in addressing your SI joint pain and design treatment plans that may significantly enhance your general quality of life. So, let’s understand this particular spinal issue and explore precisely how can a chiropractor help SI joint pain.

What Is Sacroiliac Joint Pain?

The meeting point of your pelvis and sacrum is the sacroiliac joints or SI joints. One common condition affecting these joints is called sacroiliac joint pain. When you look at someone with such problems from the back, you would notice dimples above their SI joints at the base of the spine.

The cartilage in the SI joints holds them together; it will expand if one or both of the joints are misaligned. This may stress the bone, leading to uncomfortable and misaligned joints. Your doctor may refer to the inflammation in your SI joint(s) as sacroiliitis. A persistent misalignment of the SI joint may cause this disorder.

What Are the Main Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Pain?

Pain in the SI joint can have a few typical reasons. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes. Over time, the cartilage in your joints may entirely wear away due to the excessive wear and strain they receive. Osteoarthritis can result from such an issue, and the spine is frequently affected by this ailment.

SI joint pain can also result from a severe injury. The damage can occur from a fall from a height that lands on your hip. Alternatively, for example, if your knees hit the dashboard during a car collision, you may have an injury to the SI joint.

What Symptoms Does Sacroiliac Joint Pain Show?

As with other disorders, SI joint discomfort may show itself in many ways. You might occasionally experience lower back pain, and in many situations, you could feel pain that travels down your leg and into your lower abdomen. If you sit for extended periods of time, the discomfort worsens when you try to rise.

Numbness or tingling may also be symptoms of SI joint discomfort. Your leg or hip may feel like it’s pins and needles. You might also think your legs aren’t sturdy enough to hold your body up. These are all signs of pain in the SI joint.

can chiropractors help si joint pain

How Can a Chiropractor Help SI Joint Pain?

Since SI joint pain is very curable, especially if detected early on, chiropractors can diagnose and design the right plan for your SI joint pain relief. Chiropractic adjustment is one of the most successful methods for reducing joint pain and swelling. It is well-acknowledged to be a very safe and non-invasive treatment for patients.

The following are the primary methods in which a chiropractor can assist you in managing your SI joint pain:

  • Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractors have long used spinal manipulation or high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust to treat sacroiliitis. Your chiropractor will ask you to lie on your side and apply pressure to your SI joints while performing this adjustment. You’ll hear a clicking sound when the oxygen leaves your joints after the movement is complete. While some find this sound soothing, others find it unsettling. If you don’t think spinal manipulation is suitable for you, you can try mobilization.

  • Spinal Mobilization

Spinal mobilization is a technique that uses mild spine movements to treat SI joint pain. This method seeks to improve sacroiliac joint flexibility and reduce pain near the lower back. Spinal mobilization relieves pressure on the SI joint.

It also encourages appropriate alignment by making little modifications. This method is thought to be beneficial for both pain management and enhancing the joint’s general function.

  • Gentle Chiropractic Technique

Padded “blocks” of various sizes and shapes are strategically positioned beneath the body. When the patient is face down, a chiropractor can use the block’s gravity to gently realign the sacroiliac joint and other affected areas rather than using force alone.

The patient inhales deeply to help with the adjustment as the chiropractor gently pulls one leg at a particular angle. Gravity can help with the adjustment when utilizing a “drop” technique. This method uses a unique chiropractic tool that contains pieces that can be raised and dropped simultaneously with the thrust.

  • Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Light chiropractic treatments frequently include the use of muscle relaxation techniques. This helps to release the sacroiliac joint’s tight muscles and excessive stress. Two more techniques chiropractors may employ to relieve stiff muscles are massage and hot packs.

One possible cause of pain could be tense muscles around the sacroiliac joint. Deep breathing techniques and gentle stretches will help relax these muscles and ease discomfort by reducing strain on the joint. It’s as if you’re giving the muscles a vacation and allowing them to unwind around the SI joint.

  • Muscle Strengthening Techniques

Techniques for strengthening muscles can help with SI joint pain. Exercises focusing on the pelvis’s lower back and surrounding muscles aid in removing the sacroiliac joint. Because of its stability, the joint experiences less strain, which can reduce discomfort.

Leg raises, bridges, and core movements are simple workouts that develop SI joints. Recall that consistent practice and slow advancement in these exercises improve lower back health.

  • Adjunctive Therapy

To relieve sacroiliac joint pain, a chiropractor could also suggest auxiliary therapy. Pain relief for the patient is the aim of adjunctive treatment. It also aids in function improvement and rehabilitation. Plus, it reduces the likelihood that the pain will recur.

Pain arises from either excessive or insufficient mobility of the sacroiliac joint. Because of this, chiropractic therapy may be beneficial in helping to strengthen or relax the muscles that surround the joint.


To sum up, the answer to the question “Can a chiropractor help SI joint pain?” is a definite yes. Seeking treatment from a qualified chiropractor can provide significant relief from pain in the sacroiliac joint. Specialists like The Brost Clinic are eligible to diagnose and design treatment plans for this particular type of lower back pain.

We enable people of all ages to achieve optimal health. We also offer a natural, all-encompassing solution to SI joint problems by applying chiropractic procedures. Trust us to ensure a road for you to a pain-free and healthy existence. Visit our chiropractic professionals today to improve your health significantly.

can a chiropractor give work restrictions

Can a Chiropractor Give Work Restrictions?

Dealing with injuries, pain, and illness can be hard. In many of these scenarios, work restrictions might become necessary. However, you really do not want to go to the wrong kind of doctor who may not be eligible to let you off work.

Chiropractors usually emerge as saviors in any injury-related situation. The noninvasive approach of chiropractic well suits many. But can a chiropractor give work restrictions?

There’s no clear answer to that. Mainly, this depends on your employer’s FMLA coverage, disability insurance, and your medical issues. In this article, we will look into this answer more broadly. We will tell you every possible requirement to get the restriction approved through a chiropractor.

What Is a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors treat a wide range of health problems in people of all ages. After college, a chiropractor goes to school for four to five years to get their Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree. They are well-known as experts at helping people with headaches, back pain, and neck pain.

Chiropractors also treat a wide range of injuries and illnesses that affect the muscles, ligaments, and joints. They use manipulations or mobilizations, which are also known as chiropractic adjustments. They also give their patients advice on healthy eating, exercise, and healthy habits and bring appropriate modifications to their work and personal lives.

Chiropractic Care for Work-Related Injuries

An experienced chiropractor can help you get better from your injuries and keep them from happening again. Certain injuries at work can stretch and tear muscles and ligaments, causing pain and discomfort. These injuries can sometimes also cause long-term issues like back pain or bulging discs.

Getting medical help right away is important in such a scenario. And a chiropractor’s help can be the best bet here.

Chiropractic care realigns the musculoskeletal system, restores joint function, decompresses nerves, and speeds up muscle recovery. All of these are done using some common techniques, such as manual manipulations, massage, acupuncture, etc.

But now things get a little tricky. Based on their job description, chiropractors are clearly experts in their field. So, if you have a problem with your back or neck, you might think that a chiropractor would be a good doctor to see in order to get work restrictions approved. It is not always like this, though. A lot of things affect this, which we will talk about below.

can a chiropractor take you off work

Chiropractors and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 recognizes chiropractors as valid medical professionals for approving leave. However, getting a short-term disability approved through a chiropractor can be challenging unless certain conditions are met.

For approval, the chiropractor has to take an x-ray. They also need to treat any problems with your spine that they think keep you from working. Without an x-ray or treatment for conditions other than spinal misalignments, FMLA is unlikely to approve your leave.

Remember, even meeting these requirements doesn’t guarantee approval. Much depends on individual cases and practitioners under FMLA guidelines. Additionally, they consider whether your employer qualifies under FMLA standards. This includes private sector employers with at least 50 employees over 20 workweeks in the past year.

Besides, it also covers any local state or federal government agency, as well as private secondary or elementary schools. You should check with HR to see if your company fits one of these categories.

Chiropractors and Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability is more about long-term disabilities. However, it is still important to mention it here. When the Social Security Administration (SSA) decides on a claim, they do not look at what chiropractors say.

That being said, if your chiropractor took x-rays, these could help you get a medical doctor’s approval and other information. You will need to get copies of the x-rays and bring them to the Social Security office handling your claim. That’s because the SSA will not call your chiropractor to ask for these records.

Chiropractors and Employee Or Employer Insurance

No one rule applies to chiropractors when it comes to insurance. This is true whether it is private or through their job. Some insurance companies use chiropractors’ opinions to decide if someone is temporarily disabled. Other insurance plans do not. Check with your private disability insurance or talk to your employer about this.

Many people say that when they go to the doctor for back pain, the doctor just “waits and sees.” It can be a problem if you want to get work-off quickly.

In this instance, you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcomes if you have never visited a chiropractor before. You might get better quickly with chiropractic treatment. Hence, you will not need a short-term disability.

can chiropractors give work restrictions

When Can a Chiropractor Give Work Restrictions?

You need to talk to your boss about when or if you can take time off to see a chiropractor. No matter how long you need off, you should talk to your boss or private disability insurance to find the best plan for you.

Check to see if the FMLA applies to your company. If so, and you have had x-rays and spinal adjustments, you might be able to take time off work to heal.


Q. Can Chiropractors Write Notes for Work?

Ans. Yes. Chiropractors can write a note to an employer telling them that an employee is hurt and can not do their job. They can fill out a functional abilities form and suggest changes to duties or graduated hours. They can also write an employee a note telling them to go back to work. However, for some long-term disability claims, the forms need to be filled out by a medical doctor. If this is the case, you should talk to your claims carrier.

Q. How Often Do You Need to See a Chiropractor After a Work Injury?

Ans. You might need to go to three appointments a week for two weeks. After this, you might need appointments once a week for a while. Then, depending on your condition, you may only need maintenance appointments every two to four weeks.


Work-related injuries can be frustrating. They hamper your performance, slow you down, and your company, too. Besides, without proper care, they can lead to chronic back pain.

Chiropractic care is highly beneficial for treating such injuries. Besides, with a chiropractor’s approval, you can get the necessary work restrictions. But certain standards, like those of FMLA, must be met.

Before anything else, you must focus on getting the best chiropractic care first. The Brost Clinic should be your prime choice here. With the help of our certified chiropractic professionals’ in Minnesota, your work injury will diminish in no time. Contact us today to get an appointment.

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